Putin arrives in North Korea to seal an alliance with Kim Jong-un

Putin arrives in North Korea to seal an alliance with Kim Jong-un
Putin arrives in North Korea to seal an alliance with Kim Jong-un

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met Wednesday in Pyongyang with the intention of expanding their economic and military cooperation and showing a united front against Washington. This meeting worries many countries.


Putin was received upon arrival in North Korea by Kim Jong-unwho shook his hand, I hug him twice and accompanied him from the airport in a limousine in a huge motorcade that drove through the brightly lit streets of the capital, where the buildings were decorated with giant russian flagsand portraits of Putin.

After spending the rest of the night in a state guesthouse, Putin attended a lavish welcome ceremony in the city’s main square, where Kim introduced key members of his leadership, including Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui; the ruling party’s top advisor and secretary, Jo Yo Jong; and the leader’s powerful sister, Kim Yo Jong. Putin and Kim Jong-un then began conversations accompanied by their senior officialsaccording to Russian media.

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North Korean state media described the meeting between the leaders as a historic event demonstrating the “invincibility and durability” of the friendship and unity of the two nations. Large crowds lined the streets to greet Putin’s motorcade before the talks, chanting “Welcome Putin” and waving flowers and North Korean and Russian flags.

Putin’s first trip to North Korea in 24 years

Putin, who is making his first trip to North Korea in 24 years, was quoted in official media as saying that both nations want to cooperate closely to overcome US-led sanctions and actively develop your partnership. He also said he appreciated North Korea’s strong support for its military actions in Ukraine.

Putin’s visit comes amidst the crecent concerns over arms deal in which Pyongyang provides Moscow with much-needed munitions to fuel the war in Ukraine in exchange for economic assistance and technology transfers that would increase the threat posed by Kim’s missile and nuclear weapons program.

North Korea is under strong sanctions economic activities of the UN Security Council for its nuclear weapons and missile programswhile Russia is also dealing with sanctions from the United States and its Western partners for its aggression in Ukraine.

Putin is accompanied by several senior officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrurov, Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, according to his foreign policy adviser, Yuri Ushakov. He said that during the visit a series of documents will be signedpossibly including an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership.

North Korea is accused of providing Russia with weapons for use in Ukraine

US and South Korean officials accuse North Korea of ​​supplying Russia artillery, missiles and other military equipment for use in Ukraine, possibly in exchange for aid and key military technologies. Both Pyongyang and Moscow they deny the accusations over North Korean arms transfers, which would violate multiple UN Security Council sanctions that Russia previously backed.

Along with China, Russia has provided political cover for Kim’s continued efforts to improve its nuclear arsenalrepeatedly blocking US-led efforts to impose new UN sanctions on the North over its weapons tests.

South Korean analysts explain that the North Korean leader will probably seek greater economic benefits and Russia’s most advanced military technologiesalthough his most sensitive conversations with Putin are unlikely to become public.

While Kim’s military nuclear program now includes intercontinental ballistic missiles developing countries that can potentially reach the continental United States, you may need external technological help to significantly advance your program. There are already possible signs that Russia is helping North Korea with technologies related to space rockets and military reconnaissance satellites, which Kim has described as crucial to monitoring South Korea and increasing the threat from its nuclear-capable missiles.

A “desperate” visit

In Washington, the United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkensaid Putin’s visit to North Korea illustrates how Russia is “desperately trying to develop and strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that started against Ukraine”.

“North Korea is providing significant ammunition to Russia… and other weapons for use in Ukraine. Iran has been providing weaponsincluding drones, which have been used against civilians and civilian infrastructure,” Blinken told reporters after a meeting with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday.

The tensions on the Korean Peninsula are at its highest point In years, at the pace of weapons tests and combined military exercises, both by North Korea and those involving the United States, South Korea and Japan, they intensify. The two Koreas have also participated in a psychological warfare Cold War style, in which North Korea dropped tons of garbage on the South with balloons and the South broadcast anti-North Korean propaganda with its loudspeakers.

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