Is Carlo Constanzia free of charges? Details of his prison sentence and pregnancy with Alejandra Rubio

Totally unexpected. This is how you can describe the news of the pregnancy of Alejandra Rubio, daughter of Terelu Campos, who at 24 years old is expecting her first baby together with Carlo Costanzia, 31, son of Mar Flores.

The couple, who have been together for about five months, announce on the cover of the magazine Hello! that they will become parents next December, news that fills them with excitement; and that has undoubtedly left his famous parents somewhat surprised – although happy.

Cover of Hello!


The future dad, however, will have another matter to attend to. The son of Mar Flores and Carlo Costanzia Di Costigliole continues to serve his 21-month prison sentence after being accused of a continuous crime of aggravated fraud, of which he has already served eleven.

His conviction came because of his police record. At 25 years of age, Carlo returned to Spain with his mother. However, his drug addiction became a problem that ended up landing him in prison. In his first crime, he ended up in a de-addiction center. However, the young man did not comply with the rules and was expelled.

Carlo Costanzia Flores will be a father at the end of the year.

J.Viseras / Other Sources

“Many times I have been in jail for driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and not having a license on one of these occasions,” he said in Friday!. “I felt like a failure.” The young man is in semi-freedom. In addition, he wears a telematic bracelet, which was already imposed on him for another crime for driving under the influence of alcohol.

The young man managed to “get” two convictions, as he explained, after being accused of having swindled 92,900 euros from at least five different people through a business dedicated to the buying and selling of high-end cars. Despite having reached an agreement with the plaintiff and having returned more than 100,000 euros in compensation for the damage, the sentence remained firm – although his sentence was reduced from nine years to 21 months.

Carlo Costanzia’s serious problems with justice

Mar Flores’ son requested the suspension of the sentence as it was a sentence of less than two years, but it was denied. Criminal records related to crimes against road safety and against public order were cited, in which Carlo had already obtained the benefit of suspended sentences in previous cases.

Terelu on her daughter's new relationship with Carlo Costanzia:

Terelu was the first to discover the couple’s pregnancy.


Until recently, Carlo Costanzia was serving his sentence in the Josefina Aldecoa social integration center, belonging to the Navalcarnero prison complex, in Madrid, where he returned every night to spend the night. Currently, he lives in an apartment in the Madrid neighborhood of Vallecas, about 60 square meters; nothing to do with the apartment in the luxurious Aravaca urbanization where Alejandra Rubio lives.

If everything continues as before, Carlo will finish serving his sentence in time for the birth of his first child. It remains to be seen what the couple’s plans will be for the future, but they still have many months to plan their situation.

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