Traffic accident between a truck and a motorcycle

In the early hours of the day, at approximately 5 a.m., a road incident was recorded at the intersection of Necochea and Roca streets. The accident involved a Ford truck, Ranger model, gray in color and with domain name CJA979, driven by Félix Oscar Roldán, 52 years old, and a Corven brand motorcycle, model Triax 150 CC, black in color and without domain name placed, driven by Mario Miguel Trisca, 45 years old, who was accompanied by his son, Francisco Santiago Trisca, 19 years old.

As a result of the impact, the occupants of the motorcycle were taken consciously to the Dr. Ángel Pintos municipal hospital to receive medical assistance.

Officers from the Patrol Command went to the scene after receiving an emergency call through the 911 system, and then Scientific Police agents were summoned to carry out the necessary investigations.

The motorcycle was seized due to a violation of Law 24,449 and its amendments.

The actions were classified as “Faulty Injuries” with the intervention of the UFI on shift number 13 of the Azul judicial department.

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