his crack on Televisión de Galicia

his crack on Televisión de Galicia
his crack on Televisión de Galicia

Alba Carrillo is in a really sweet professional moment, but that does not mean he forgets his tensions with Telecinco, channel where he worked for 7 years. The model took advantage of her visit to the last program of the season Land Rober Tunai Show, on Televisión de Galicia, to return to the charge against Mediaset. Of course, Ana Rosa Quintana came up.

“Let’s see, it’s the last program, eh? Good vibes,” warned Roberto Vilar. The idea was for the guest to select boxes on a panel, which corresponded to celebrities about whom she should make a comment. “Okay, no. But don’t call me,” Carrillo also warned, on her part.

It was then that the TVG presenter, with a small mouth, said: “Not like on Telecinco… This is not like other networks, which they like…” “Yes, because they are chains, but from the toilet”joked the one who was a contestant on Bake Off: celebrities in the oven.

At one point, Quintana appeared on the screen and Carrillo’s face said it all. Moments later, he freely attacked the presenter of AfternoonAR: “No, if we go from bad to worse… It gave me a cramp. Something has happened with Villarejo…”.

“It looks like a turtle there. You took a really bad photo of it. Or is it like that now?” Alba asked herself. while Roberto insisted: “This game was about speaking well”. “No, then I have to say what happened,” he denied, although later he would continue talking about Ana Rosa.

Alba Carrillo, in ‘Land Rober Tunai Show’


“She’s… Very screwed up. I worked with her and she was great, you know? She left me unemployed, without anything”said the current face of Spanish Television. Thus, he alluded to the lawsuit he filed against Unicorn Content, La Fábrica de la Tele and Mediaset for “fraud of law” and “unfair dismissal.” Last January, it emerged that both parties had reached a financial agreement, without going to trial.

“But you didn’t have the right to unemployment, right? You weren’t self-employed?” Vilar wanted to know. “Yes… Autonomous. Well, that’s it, she’s cynical. Be careful with her at parties, she can record you.”concluded Alba Carrillo.

In this way, the talk show host recalled the Christmas event of Ana Rosa Quintana’s production company in 2022. A celebration full of controversy – and which fed Telecinco with hours of content -, after which Alba Carrillo and Jorge Pérez had a night of passionwhile he was married.

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