Brincos Dieras confirms the death of a member of his team, after a car accident | last News

Brincos Dieras confirms the death of a member of his team, after a car accident | last News
Brincos Dieras confirms the death of a member of his team, after a car accident | last News

He comedian Brincos Dieras He confirmed on his social networks that part of his team suffered a car accident this afternoon, Thursday, June 20, when they were heading to Ciudad Juárez, which caused the death of one of the people, a situation that left him dismayed.

Roberto Olivar He explained that the accident that occurred that day, fortunately, he and his staff team were not involved, however, the event impacted his security team; This situation left one person dead.

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“There is speculation, there was an accident where, Neither my staff nor I went, unfortunately it was my security team that works here in Mexico with me, where our great friend Javier Cervantes died and we are in shock, we are dismayed,” he expressed. Dieras jumps.

The comedian took the opportunity to send his condolences to the family of Javier Cervantes, personnel from his security team who died and assured that their relatives will be supported, as well as the other people who were injured and hospitalized as a result of the car accident.

“I want to send a hug of solidarity to his entire family, there are really no words, the other boys who are injured and hospitalized will have all our support, as well as the family of the deceased,” said Brincos Dieras.

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What is known about the car accident?

The car accident occurred on the Pan-American highway, at kilometer 291 of the highway from Ahumada to Ciudad Juárez. In accordance with Carlos Duarte, director of Civil Protection of the municipality of Ahumada, one person died at the scene and four injuries were recorded, of which two were in a “serious” state.

Who is the Jumping Clown?

El Payaso Brincos Dieras is a stage name; his full name is Roberto Carlosis originally from Monterrey, Nuevo León, has 50 years old and in its beginnings it was better known as “Tongorito”, when he performed shows at events that began in his hometown, later his work spread throughout Mexico and he currently has presentations in various cities in the United States and other countries.

He has thousands of followers on social networks, just on his account. instagram has 545 thousand, while in Facebook already accumulates a million, while in Youtube has 1.26 million subscribers; The rise in his popularity has been due to his shows and the few controversies in which he has been involved, such as the case of the private event with Chivas del Guadalajara.

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