Who is the senator from Santiago del Estero who traveled to the Copa América and was the target of libertarian trolls

Who is the senator from Santiago del Estero who traveled to the Copa América and was the target of libertarian trolls
Who is the senator from Santiago del Estero who traveled to the Copa América and was the target of libertarian trolls

Javier Milei joined the libertarian troops who since Thursday night pointed their digital cannons against the senator Jose Nederthe Peronist representative of Santiago del Estero which was filmed during the official broadcast of the match with which Argentina and Canada inaugurated the America Cup which is disputed in USA.

Some of the accounts that usually mark the pulse of the libertarian world on social networks shared images of the senator who last week voted against the XXS omnibus law and the President, heading to his new European tour, decided to repost the publications and, thus, multiply their reach.

The accounts “Milei SheIby” and “Austrian School of Economics” launched the publications shared by Milei, which specifically targeted Neder’s salary. “He earns twice as much as the president,” one accused, while the other expanded: “He takes advantage of his salary increase to 8 million pesos to go see the Copa América, it seems that social justice is only used to steal the money from the president.” worker while they live the great life.”

From then on, the dynamics of the digital universe did its thing and Neder was exposed to the viralization of his image on the tribune of the Mercedes Benz Stadium of Atlanta.

An illustrious name in the politics of Santiago del Estero

Lieutenant Governor during the term of Claudia Ledesma Abdala and also in the third management of Gerardo Zamora, Neder is one of the politicians with the longest career in Santiago. He won his seat in the Senate with the ticket of the Frente de Todos that carried as its presidential formula the duet made up of Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Embed – https://publish.twitter.com/oembed?url=https://x.com/DiegoMac227/status/1804001177110990947&partner=&hide_thread=false

President of the Justicialista Party of Santiago del Estero, Neder is the Zamora’s main Peronist partnera radical who became a strategic partner of Peronism in the north, who also maintained a good relationship with Mauricio Macri and tries to ensure that the distances exposed with Milei do not complicate management in his province.

Neder was born in Loreto, the city in the provincial center that he governed between 1987 and 1991. He continued in the fold of Menemist Peronism that was beginning to hegemonize Justicialism in those years and managed to overcome the provincial crises that led to two federal interventions in less than ten years. Then she became partner major de Zamora, who called him to be part of his second term.

The alliance with Gerardo Zamora

With Neder, Zamora finished giving shape to Santiago’s transversalism. “The Pigeon”, as they call it in the province, added to radicalism the entire territorial structure of a Justicialism in reconstruction that still had a strong presence in the interior. Zamora named him Minister of Government and Security and from there he strengthened ties with mayors and leaders throughout the province.

The award came in 2013, when the head of the Civic Front for Santiago entrusted him to accompany his wife, Claudia Ledesma Abdala, as candidate for vice governor. Neder he repeated in 2017, when power returned to Zamora.

José Emilio Neder CFK Claudia LedesmaAbdala and Gerardo Zamora.jpg

The power in Santiago del Estero: José Emilio Neder, Claudia Ledesma Abdala and Gerardo Zamora with CFK.

In between, he had become the president of the provincial PJwhich was normalized in 2015 after a decade of intervention.

He resigned from his position in 2019 to take office in the Senate, where he has a mandate until 2025the year in which Santiago del Estero must define Zamora’s successor, who will no longer be able to be re-elected.

The Burzaco case

The case of the soccer senator has a close precedent of Eugenio Burzacowho was a tennis-loving minister of the then Buenos Aires mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

Embed – Burzaco watching a tennis match at the US Open

“Five months ago I took on the responsibility of being Minister of Justice and Security in the City. We know there is work left, but we are not going to give an inch. Therefore, today more than ever, I reaffirm my commitment to you to continue working for a safer city,” Burzaco wrote on his Instagram account. Twitter on Monday, August 28 of last year. Just a few minutes before, a video recorded by a fan showed him encouraging the Argentine Juan Manuel Cerúndolo from the box of the US Openthe Grand Slam that was played in New York.

The image of the official, dressed in a sweater, black glasses and a blue hat, had gone viral on social networks, but also in the chats of WhatsApp of the officials of the Buenos Aires Government Headquarters and sealed his departure from the Larretista administration.

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