María Valenzuela and her daughter suffered a serious traffic accident: this is how her recovery continues

María Valenzuela and her daughter suffered a serious traffic accident: this is how her recovery continues
María Valenzuela and her daughter suffered a serious traffic accident: this is how her recovery continues

Maria Valenzuela (68) revealed that together with her daughter Malena Mendizábal were victims of a serious car accident when they were hit by a truck in Tortuguitas, Province of Buenos Aires, which left both of them with severe injuries. In this sense, the actress He talked about how his health is evolving.

According to Valenzuela, the collision between vehicles took place on Friday, June 14, but news of the event did not emerge until she herself spoke publicly about the shock she received from the sudden impact she suffered in her Peugeot 206 car.

“I was in a Peugot with Malena. I stopped at the intersection of Brasil and Patricias Mendocinas and there “A clear car waved me in.”said the actress in dialogue with TN Show.

Then, María remarked that when she was advancing ““a dark 4×4 truck appeared on the right side” which collided with them and dragged them to a light pole. After ensuring that the attack He left serious injuries in both.

“Next, Valenzuela said that when Malena’s glass broke she pounced on her”to cover the left side of his head because he has a craniotomy done and he can’t take hits.

María Valenzuela was the victim of a serious car crash in the Province of Buenos Aires and spoke about how the impact occurred. | Photo: María Valenzuela.

There The glass fell on me and took out a piece of my meat.“revealed the actress, who later shared that she helped her daughter so she could get out of the car.

Once out of the vehicle, they waited for the ambulance. “in shock” and Mendizábal was taken to the hospital to undergo a series of tests since she had bruises on her knee and shoulder. ““We were both crying and distraught.”opened up about the strong emotions they experienced after the impact.

Regarding the attitude of the driver who rammed her truck into her car, María stressed that the man stayed with them and even apologized several times “saying that he was coming quickly because he was arriving late to a place.” ““He felt responsible for what had happened.”observed the artist.

María Valenzuela was hit by a truck and that’s how her car crashed into a light pole. | Photo: María Valenzuela.

The evolution of María Valenzuela and her daughter after the traffic accident

Finally, Valenzuela expressed that She is not yet sure if she will take legal action. after what happened and He clarified that he did not speak to his lawyer about it either.

“I I went to testify a few days ago when I was able to get up. Malena has a lot of pain in her ribs and arm. The studies that were done apparently went well, but It’s totally traumatic“, he stated.

After the crash they suffered in the north of the Buenos Aires suburbs, the actress assured that by order of the doctor the two are at rest and when consulted about the current state of health of both by Teleshow de Infobae, Valenzuela guaranteed that although she “he can’t speak because of the pain” They already feel better. “We got it cheap thanks to the Lord”he concluded.

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