Extraordinary recital by La Renga in Córdoba

Extraordinary recital by La Renga in Córdoba

La Renga gave a massive and powerful show at the Kempes stadium.

A new visit by La Renga to the Mario Alberto Kempes stadium generated a lot of expectation. “The same people as always” took over the venue and came from different parts of the country to witness a recital as powerful as it was devastating.

The group of Gustavo “Chizzo” Nápoli, Gabriel “Tete” Iglesias, Jorge “Tanque” Iglesias and Manuel Varela, returned to the route and arrived in Córdoba after the two concerts last month in La Plata.

With an enormous staging, The band offered a panoramic view from the four sectors of the stadium, also accompanied by a strong and enveloping sound that resonated in the chests of the more than 45 thousand people who attended.

The stage was set up like a monster in the center of the playing field and with the exception of Tank, who played the drums rotating on the axis, the rest of the musicians moved throughout the show on each side of the rectangle.

More than 45 thousand people filled the Kempes stadium. / The voice)
We are the same as always

Although the first long-distance buses began to arrive on Thursday, “The same ones as always” flooded the area around the stadium and its surroundings at noon on Saturday. Of course, the previous one was full of barbecue, wine, fernet and other alcoholic beverages.

The day was sunny and pleasant, so fortunately the weather was good until the end. When the doors opened at 6 p.m., people were still meeting outside; knowing and sharing.

The start of La Renga was scheduled at 9 p.m., however, at that time there were many people outside and the start was delayed.

With a walkway simulating a highway, at 9:40 p.m. they went on stage aboard the motorcycle commanded by Chizzo. They quickly grabbed their instruments and a deafening scream accompanied the first chords of Good route, brothera song that belongs to the soundtrack of his documentary film.

As planned, the explosion occurred in the center of the playing field, where the extraordinary structure with the 360° installation carried out on this tour was located. Definitely, the sound and visuals could be enjoyed from anywhere.

The motorcycle with which Chizo went on stage / La Voz

The band continued its overwhelming presentation with very roady songs: Motoralmaisangre and runaway heart. “Good night, Córdoba!” the singer shouted and they continued with Good pipe, at your side and Charge my rock and roll.

From the Ardiles stalls you could see the way in which the four fronts jumped at the same time, with the Gasparini stalls in the background and also packed. After a brief (and necessary) pause, Chizzo took the opportunity to adjust the strap of his guitar. Meanwhile, he thanked his people and introduced a tribute to “the pioneers.”

The overwhelming hard rock continued with: Future city destination and That nowhere place. The latter, also published on the soundtrack of Totally possessed. The tower of screens showed images of La Renga traveling by motorcycle along the Argentine routes, extracted from the documentary.

Tete Iglesias was the one who ran the most and toured the stage / La Voz
Tete Iglesias was the one who ran the most and toured the stage / La Voz

Tete Iglesias was the one who ran the most and toured the stage. Hand in hand with his bass and his jumps, people were infected and applauded him every time he approached a sector. Total enjoyment was reflected on his face.

When will they come, High up, The Eye of the Hurricane and The Growing Monster They averaged the hour of the show. As mentioned above, La Renga went straight and hit the post.

“Sing, culiados!”

Very happy, Chizzo introduced the “Bronze Cockroaches”; wind musicians to accompany Manu Varela’s sax in a seguidilla that is also a road trip: Life, the same streets, Morock, From the shoulder and The fragile of madness.

“Sing, culiados!” Chizzo joked, McCartney-style. Phrase that he repeated at various times. Just there, halfway through the second hour and after the end of a song that talks about damage and poverty in the towns, the audience of La Renga shouted against the government. “He who does not jump voted for Milei” and “The country is not for sale,” were the slogans that were heard mostly at Gasparini and in the countryside.

For its part, no one from La Renga made any comments with political connotations. Perhaps, Chizzo did it indirectly when before playing Poison, he hinted at the massive poisoning that his staff suffered at the La Plata concerts. “Friends, someone tried to poison us. That is very bad,” she emphasized.

Next, there was no shortage of classics from the early years: The king of sad happiness, The bottle mambo, The Goose Trial and in the wasteland. After two intense versions of dark diamond and The reason that delays youthey got off the stage shouting “thank you, Córdoba!”

I am the lion

In the preview of the recital, “The same as always” disowned the song that President Javier Milei appropriated. “It doesn’t go with the spirit of the band”, “It’s good that he likes it, but he sings it and it’s embarrassing” and “La Renga has already expressed himself on the subject and it’s obvious that they don’t like this”, were some of the testimonies collected by The voice when asked about Panic show.

Upon returning for the encore, Chizzó let out a lion’s roar and sang the controversial song. But she didn’t express anything else. Downstairs the audience enjoyed it just as much and took up the song “La patria no se vende” at the end.

At minutes before midnight, he invited the San Marcos Sud school choir and a group of boys and girls sang and played. The revelde. “Thanks to Professor Ramiro Lezcano, he is a boss. A round of applause for him,” the leader thanked and appreciated the artistic work they did against pesticides.

The children ran away and it arrived The end is where I started to finish demolishing what was left standing.

“We’re leaving as always… talking about freedom!” shouted the singer and guitarist before performing the song with which they end each of their recitals and which they cited to reject the political use of their songs.

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