Juan Grabois analyzes expanding the complaint against Human Capital

Juan Grabois analyzes expanding the complaint against Human Capital
Juan Grabois analyzes expanding the complaint against Human Capital

Lawyer Juan Grabois, leader of Argentina Humana, is considering filing an extension of the complaint against Sandra Pettovello, Minister of Human Capital, for the alleged crimes of embezzlement, failure to fulfill the duties of a public official, abuse of authority and negligence.

The representative of the Frente Patria Grande understands that the merchandise was distributed “in a notoriously inappropriate manner” only to “evade the court order to present the food distribution plan as ordered by federal justice.” Grabois refers to the almost 6 million kilos of food that were held in the Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo warehouses.

In the document prepared by Grabois and his advisors, it is explained that Capital Humano, instead of presenting the distribution schedule, delivered powdered milk with an expiration date close to the Cooperadora para la Nutrición Infantil (CONIN) “for a value of $1.2 billion.”

In the agreement signed by Capital Humano, the CONIN foundation was asked to inform which soup kitchens it delivered the food to and what amount it distributed to each address. However, until now it has not been done.

The former presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria also questions “the $500 million from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) that the Cooperator for Child Nutrition received.”

For Grabois these are “new facts” that he already denounced. They also highlight that tomorrow is the deadline for Pettovello to present to Judge Casanello the distribution schedule for the food that is still left in those two warehouses. The order was ratified by Chamber II of the Court of Appeal.

On June 5, judges Martín Irurzun, Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico unanimously confirmed the precautionary measure ordered by the federal judge of first instance that imposed on the Ministry of Human Capital to report the stock of food stored in Villa’s warehouses. Martelli and Tucumán, and the delivery schedule.

Each one in their vote reached the same conclusion: not only did they support Casanello, but they validated his actions within the framework of a precautionary measure that the Government could not ignore. The Legal Undersecretary of Human Capital had told the magistrates that they were not going to allow any militant judge to tell Javier Milei’s government how to manage food policy.

“It is appropriate to remind the appellant, represented by the Minister of Human Capital, that the matter under examination is part of the universe that we, the judges, have been entrusted to know; that in our intervention we debate the primacy of the Fundamental Law and the protection of the basic rights of all citizens and that it is these guidelines that have been expressed in the case, conferring legality and legitimacy to our resolution. Therefore, in order for the institutions to function and be respected, the Minister of Human Capital must adjust her actions to due compliance with the court order confirmed here,” Farah reasoned.

Within hours of the ruling against, Capital Humano decided to distribute, through CONIN, powdered milk with an upcoming expiration date and other products in the same condition, such as corn flour. However, he did not inform the magistrate of the schedule. Or it was not in detail as requested.

For that reason Casanello once again intimated Pettovello to present the schedule within 72 business hours. The deadline, including holidays, expires this Monday, June 23.

“We are going to present the schedule. In reality, on Monday we are going to expand on what we already communicated to the judge,” they told this medium from the Human Capital portfolio. And they reaffirmed: “Neither Justice nor poverty managers can manage food policy, which is the power of the government.”

For the magistrate, what Leila Gianni reported in the file is “insufficient.” In the resolution, Casanello highlighted that “some of the actions stated in the distribution table provided should have already been executed.”

For that reason, the judge also asked him to “report (with the corresponding documentary support) what has been done so far.”

If she does not do so, the minister could be denounced by Grabois for “noncompliance with the duties of a public official.” Also for “embezzlement” and “abuse of power.”

These terms are rejected by the Human Capital lawyer. Leila Gianni maintains that “food policies are the power of the Government,” not of Justice and much less of Grabois, who until now has not been denounced in court by the Javier Milei administration for any possible crime.

Pettovello’s portfolio was at the center of the controversy after the social leader presented a complaint to the Comodoro Py Courts for the food retained in the two Human Capital warehouses.

Source: infobae

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