The Catholic Church celebrates Saint John the Baptist today: his story and prayer to ask him

Saint John the Baptist is a prominent figure in Christianity, recognized as the prophet who prepared the way for Jesus Christ. He was born approximately six months before Jesus and his life and ministry are widely recorded in the Gospels.

San Juan He preached a message of repentance and baptized in the Jordan River to those who sought to purify their sins. Many came to him for spiritual guidance and baptism, including Jesus Christ, who received the baptism of John in the Jordan River.

Saint John the Baptist is Known for his humility and dedication to the truth, as well as for his courage in confronting even the religious and political authorities of his time. His preaching and his austere lifestyle exerted a great influence on the society of his time.

He was martyred by order of King Herod Antipaswho feared his influence and considered him a political threat. Saint John was beheaded and his death is celebrated on August 29 in the Catholic liturgical calendar.

The feast of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated on June 24 in the Catholic liturgical calendar, six months before Christmas, in commemoration of his birthwhich according to Christian tradition, occurred six months before the birth of Jesus.

Prayer to Saint John the Baptist

Blessed Saint John the Baptist, who was chosen to announce to men
the coming of the kingdom of Christ,
guide our steps along the paths of justice and peace,
and obtain for us from the Lord his mercy and forgiveness.

Most Glorious Saint John the Baptist,
precursor of my Lord Jesus Christ,
beautiful star of the best sun,
trumpet of Heaven,
voice of the eternal verb,
Obtain for me from the Lord his benevolence and blessing.

You who are the greatest of saints
and ensign of the King of Glory,
that you are more a child of grace than of nature,
and for all the reasons
most powerful prince in Heaven,
Get me his clemency and protection from the Lord.

Glorious Saint John the Baptist,
today in my despair I beg you
help me in these hard times,
I need your valuable help
to solve my sorrows and miseries,
mediate before the Lord to grant me:

(say what needs to be achieved)

I ask you, invincible martyr, that you do not ignore my sorrows
and for the privileges with which God enriched you
get my request granted as soon as possible
if it were convenient for my salvation;
and if not, a perfect resignation,
with abundant grace,
that by becoming a friend of God,
assure me of the eternal happiness of Glory.


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