With a great San Juan festival, Teis demonstrates the potential of the ETEA for the neighborhood and for Vigo

With a great San Juan festival, Teis demonstrates the potential of the ETEA for the neighborhood and for Vigo
With a great San Juan festival, Teis demonstrates the potential of the ETEA for the neighborhood and for Vigo

Next to the sea, with the Rande bridge illuminated and with live music. The residents of Teis chose the night of San Juan to show all of Vigo the potential of the ETEA. The space, completely abandoned, became the perfect space to host a celebration that lasted several hours and was attended by hundreds and hundreds of people.

Families, young people and, ultimately, people of all ages decided to make a pilgrimage to the ETEA to celebrate the festival organized by the Teis Neighborhood Association, an event that This year the former military space debuted as a location, an area that became perfect to accommodate the significant number of people who gathered on the night of San Juan. The ETEA beach bar, fully illuminated, was one of the great protagonists of the day by offering the La Patrulla concert at 8:30 p.m.

The influx of people was such in the afternoon that some neighbors regretted that they had not been able to taste the sardines or the bread with chorizo ​​that were part of the festival program. Around 11:00 p.m., delivery drivers from different fast food establishments were present at the ETEA to deliver hamburgers or pizzas, which became the other alternative menu to sardines in San Juan before the bonfire was lit at midnight: 00 hours, one bonfire presided over by a demon that turned into flames while fireworks put the culmination of a great evening which showed that the ETEA is currently wasted both for the neighborhood and for the rest of the Galician city. The event culminated with the music of “La Buena Vida”, which performed mythical songs such as “Santa Lucía” or “Little Sailor Soldier”.

Letter to Abel Caballero and Alfonso Rueda

The Teis Neighborhood Association has sent a letter to the mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero, and the president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, asking that they “unblock” the recovery of the ETEA, since it is currently in a state of “abandonment”. In the context of the meeting between Caballero and Ruedawhich will be held this Tuesday, the neighbors have addressed both leaders so that they can discuss issues that affect the Teis neighborhood, seeing the ETEA as a “priority.”

“After almost 21 years since the military left those lands, We cannot continue in this situation of paralysis and blockade any longer, for which both administrations have responsibilities.“, they claim in the letter, criticizing the fact that the urbanization of the roads is still pending, “an action that should have been done many years ago.” For the association, the meeting should serve to unblock the realization of the road urbanization project and to advance the transfer of the Marine Research Institute and the University of Vigo, in addition to the construction of the senior residence and the improvement of the sports facilities.

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