A Venezuelan family could receive US$80,000 from NASA after a space object passed through their house

A Venezuelan family could receive US$80,000 from NASA after a space object passed through their house
A Venezuelan family could receive US$80,000 from NASA after a space object passed through their house


In March 2024, a Venezuelan family in Naples, Florida, was surprised by an object that fell from the sky and went through his two-story house, from the ceiling to the basement. Even though no one was hurt, the property owners now took legal action against the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (POTfor its acronym in English) because the item in question was a piece of space junk.

The cylindrical object went through the roof and the second floor and left a hole in the floor of the houseX @Alejandro0tero

Last April, NASA released a statement explaining the facts. As they commented, In 2021, “ground controllers used the International Space Station’s robotic arm to free a cargo pad containing old batteries.” of nickel hydride following the delivery and installation of new lithium-ion batteries as part of power improvements at the orbital outpost.”

The specialists They expected the 2,630 kilograms of discarded hardware to catch fire when they entered the atmosphere three years later, in 2024. However, a small piece did not completely disintegrate and hit Alejandro Otero’s home in Naples, Florida. Following the owner’s complaint, NASA removed the remains and had them analyzed..

The object is made of Inconel metal alloy, weighs seven kilograms, measures 25 centimeters in height and four centimeters in diameter.X @Alejandro0tero

According to the examination that was carried out, from the agency They determined that it was debris from the NASA flight support team which was used to mount the batteries on the charging pad. “The object is made of Inconel metal alloy, weighs seven kilograms, measures 25 centimeters in height and four centimeters in diameter,” they indicated.

The Otero family hired the lawyer Mica Nguyen Worthy, part of the Cranfill Sumner firm. The lawyer On May 22, it presented a claim to NASA so that the victims could be compensated. economically for the damage your home received. The firm clarified that the list of damages caused includes: damage to uninsured property; due to business interruption; for emotional/mental distress; and the costs of third-party assistance necessary in the process.

According to Worthy, his clients want adequate compensation that takes into account the stress and impact this event had on their lives. “They are thankful that no one was physically injured. in this incident, but a ‘near miss’ situation like this could have been catastrophic. “If the debris had fallen a few meters in another direction, there could have been serious injuries or a death,” he considered.

The battery platform after being discarded by the International Space Station in March 2021POT

If the incident had occurred abroad and someone in another country would have been harmed by the same space debris as in the case of the Oteros, The United States would have been absolutely responsible for pay those damages according to the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space,” the lawyer exemplified and assured that what they are asking is for NASA to apply the same criteria in this case.

On the other hand, in dialogue with Ars Technica, the lawyer specified that The amount they request for the sum of damages is 80 thousand dollars. Furthermore, he added that this It is the first lawsuit against NASA for an event that involves space debris. That way, it is important how the agency responds, as it will set a precedent.


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