Trump’s peace plan with conditions leaked

Trump’s peace plan with conditions leaked
Trump’s peace plan with conditions leaked

Two top advisers to Donald Trump have drawn up a plan to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine if he wins the November 5 presidential election.. This plan consists of telling Ukraine that it will only receive more American weapons if it agrees to participate in peace talks.

Simultaneously, The United States would warn Moscow that a refusal to negotiate would lead to greater American support for Ukraineas explained in an interview by retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, one of Trump’s national security advisors.

The plan, created by Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, both former chiefs of staff on Trump’s National Security Council during his 2017-2021 presidency, proposes ceasefire based on current battle lines during peace negotiationsFleitz commented.

They have presented this strategy to Trump, who responded favorably, Fleitz noted. “I’m not saying I agree with every word, but we were pleased with the feedback we received”he claimed.

Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said only statements made by Trump or authorized members of his campaign should be considered. officers.

The strategy described by Kellogg and Fleitz is the most detailed plan yet by Trump’s collaborators, who has stated that he could quickly resolve the war in Ukraine if he defeats President Joe Biden in the November 5 electionsalthough he has not explained how he would do it.

The proposal would mean a significant change in the United States’ stance on the war and would encounter opposition both from European allies and within Trump’s own Republican Party.

The Kremlin stated that any peace plan proposed by a possible future Trump administration would have to reflect reality on the ground, but that Russian President Vladimir Putin remained open to talks.

“The value of any plan lies in the nuances and taking into account the actual state of things on the ground,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters.

“President Putin has repeated that Russia has been and remains open to negotiations, taking into account the actual state of affairs on the ground,” he said.

Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said on Tuesday that freezing hostilities on the current front lines would be “strange”, given that Russia has violated international law by invading Ukraine.

“Ukraine has an absolutely clear understanding and it is expressed in the peace formula proposed by President (Volodymyr) Zelenskiy, it is clearly stated there: peace can only be fair and can only be based on international law,” he told Reuters.

The White House National Security Council stated that the Biden administration would not force Ukraine to negotiate with Russia.

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