Chinese Air Force fighters continue to maintain high operations in Taiwan’s ADIZ

After the Joint Sword 2024 exercise of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army forces, the authorities of the island of Taiwan have reported that fighters belonging to the Asian giant’s Air Force have operated on a sustained basis last week. At the beginning of this week, Taiwan reported that 23 aircraft and 7 ships were detected operating around the island, but above all, the authorities highlighted that 19 of the aircraft crossed the Median Line of the Taiwan Strait, having entered from various directions. of the Zone air defense identification (ADIZ).

Source: China Military

In this sense, since June 18, Taipei has detected a significant number of air and naval assets operating in the vicinity of the island. The authorities mention significantly that since then the amount has remained higher compared to recent years.

It should be noted that on July 22, a military exercise is scheduled to take place in Han Kuang where the aim will be to simulate real combat taking into account the situations and the advance of China’s military power.

On the other hand, last week a Type 094 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) of the class was also detected. Jin belonging to the PLA Navy which surfaced in the Taiwan Strait.

From the middle Global Times It is stated that the intensification of the exercises and patrols of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has occurred at the same time that the United States approved the military sale to the Taiwan Army of 720 Switchblade 300 and ALTIUS 600M-V loitering munitions, as well as equipment and training manuals.

On China’s part, an interviewee pointed out that the exercises are part of the PLA’s practices that aim to deter Taiwan’s intention to ally itself with a foreign force and at the same time improve combat readiness.

*Images used for illustrative purposes

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