Yanina Latorre spoke about the end of her friendship with Marina Calabro: “We are estranged”

Yanina Latorre spoke about the end of her friendship with Marina Calabro: “We are estranged”
Yanina Latorre spoke about the end of her friendship with Marina Calabro: “We are estranged”

Yanina Latorre spoke about the end of her friendship with Marina Calabró (Video: LAM, America)

After the controversy in the Martin Fierro of Radio between Marina Calabro and Rolando Barbanothe friendship relationship he had Yanina Latorre with the journalist broke down. Both were doing a pass between their radio cycles in El Observador, but it will no longer exist due to the decision of the panelist of THE MIt was there that he spoke about the end of his friendship with the LN+ host and it was poignant.

“The decision not to do the pass again was made this morning. I was not comfortable with the pass. A weight was lifted off my shoulders. She never flowed“She told me that one of the things that interested her most about this job was doing the interview with me, because she wanted to do it from another place. She is a bit stiff, always very serious like Débora Plager in a newscast style,” she said, in Ángel de Brito’s program.

“I understood that she wanted to repeat or do something similar to what we did with Viviana, which was very fun. It didn’t flow, it didn’t take off. I was always paying. I rowed and rowed, but I always felt uncomfortable. I feel like 7 months ago I did a report on a girl who every day tells me things like she doesn’t like to bathe… She never proposed anything to me,” she criticized.

Yanina Latorre explained why she decided not to do her show with Marina Calabró again (Photo: LAM, América)

“Every day we based the pass on talking about the three cats, that he eats soy Milanese, that he eats pizzas, that he doesn’t like to eat or drink. I know about him all his life,” he said, while the driver expressed his surprise at his words. “I consider that I did not destroy it. I told the truth,” Yanina defended herself. At that moment they explained why the relationship between the two is at its worst.

“The pass never flowed. I got a pass off, and I am offended by Marina. I rowed her as much as I could. For 6 months I have been sitting listening to her about the OCD she has, about the three cats, about the maid packing her suitcase and not bathing. She never proposed anything. If you talk to her about sex, she makes a stupid face… She is 50 years old and can talk in two ways. I have older children and 99% of the things I say I don’t do. It’s humor and entertainment!” she said.

“People confuse correctness with intelligence and humor is being intelligent. I laugh at myself” “My husband and I have a very ironic sense of humor, with a lot of knowledge. I don’t know what he wanted to talk about. He never got me into trouble,” she said, while comparing the interview they did with Viviana Canosa on the same radio station. “I went on a trip and he never asked me how it went. Look, my life is a mess. Something always happens to me. With Viviana there was a back and forth. The interview was a mess and I don’t want to come every day to report on Marina Calabró so that she seems charismatic,” she said.

Marina Calabró’s moment with Rolando Barbano at the Martín Fierro Radio Show was a turning point in the journalist’s friendship with Yanina Latorre

And he continued. “Add to all that the fact that it is a special year for her. I am not one to judge her private life. I can say that I thought the Martín Fierro thing was a bit strange, but I don’t judge her for that. Added to all that was the fact that I began to discover someone that you see every day, a person that I never imagined. She lied to me many times, she hid things from me many times,” he questioned her.

“I never screwed up, I never screwed up and I wouldn’t do it now. I am now estranged from Marina, but I would never go out and say anything about Marina, or Barbano. She told me ‘I don’t want to talk about my separation’ and Karina Mazzocco would say it on the air. It’s the same as me telling Ángel de Brito ‘I don’t want to talk about Calabró’ and then it would come out on the air to Socios del espectáculo,” criticized Diego Latorre’s wife.

“I kept gathering and gathering things… She noticed and we stopped chatting on WhatsApp. Marina is also strange because she doesn’t confront you. She solves everything by crying and asking for forgiveness,” she concluded, sharply.

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