The criticism of Monegal: portrait of Isabel Díaz Ayuso in a human key

The criticism of Monegal: portrait of Isabel Díaz Ayuso in a human key
The criticism of Monegal: portrait of Isabel Díaz Ayuso in a human key

The journalist always greets Guillermo Fesserwhen he appears on TV, saying with vibrant emphasis: “Hello humans!” He has now placed this empathetic and friendly password on the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, inviting her to his ‘100% unique’ program (Cuatro).

It is a space where about thirty autistic people, mostly young, ask questions to a person of relevant notoriety. The many questions they asked ranged between general affection, and some also spicy. The references to the son she lost at eight weeks gestation was a very emotional moment. «It was sad because in the end I couldn’t, but I will always have my child, even if I don’t see him.” he said with delicate tenderness.

The focus of a question about the covid pandemic was surprising. He said like this: «You were the first to take measures, before the Government of Spain!». More than a question, it was a statement regarding a topic – the management of Covid in nursing homes and hospitals in Madrid – for which the lady Ayuso It has been highly contested. More spicy were the political curiosities. «Do you like Pedro Sánchez? / Not especially (..) When will you run for the presidency of the Government? / Can’t. Other people work in this direction. The president of my party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo». But he added: «I work from Madrid at the service of all Spaniards». Ah! It’s an interesting touch. It not only works for the people of Madrid but for all Spaniards throughout Spain. The current leadership of the Popular Party will have taken note of this warning.

This program that Cuatro has now broadcast was recorded in December 2023. In mid-March 2024 – I told you here – Mediaset surprised by launching an advertising trailer for this choral interview on its networks. It was strange. An advertising campaign for a program that will not be broadcast until three months later, in the world of television, is unusual. Maybe Mediaset was trying to throw a cable at Ayusohighlighting her most human side, immersed as she was in the heat of the “I like fruit” and the investigation into his brother. This interview, broadcast now, has achieved 5.3% audience share. It is the lowest record, in ‘share’ and ‘rating’, of the four broadcast editions of this program.

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