How much is his fortune in 2024?

How much is his fortune in 2024?
How much is his fortune in 2024?

In a few months, the United States will elect its new president, and that is why it has become a topic of interest to know the economic condition of the main candidatesamong which is Donald Trump with a particular situation: comes from being convicted of the crime of falsifying business records in a New York court, in addition to three other pending trials for violations of the law.

Obviously, These judicial situations meant a very significant amount of expenses for Trump, so it was believed that his fortune had decreased compared to recent years. According to him he detailed Forbes, The former president has a net worth of US$6,100,000,000.

The fact of having to paying lawyers and different bails caused that number to decrease by 5.32 percent in the last yearwhich, transferred to money, means about US$344,000,000 less. Among other expenses, he paid the sums of US$91,000,000 and US$175,000,000 for bail in different cases against him. In any case, that does not prevent the Republican candidate from still being considered a billionaire in the United States.

The former US president faces various legal cases.


The main source of income for Donald Trump in the United States

Trump Media & Technology Group Shares They made Trump US$5,000,000,000 richer when they began trading on the Nasdaq, while operating on the Truth Social platform. This company was the one that saved the former president and kept him wealthy despite the legal expenses that he had to face.

That is why, today, the main source of income for Trumpaccording to Forbes, It is precisely Trump Media & Technology Group. Even an eventual increase in these shares could lead the Republican to double his fortune in the future, in the event that the movements in the economy are in his favor and despite the fact that he cannot act as he pleases with them, given that some still cannot sell them beyond having them in their possession.

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