Carbon monoxide poisoning: recommendations to prevent accidents

Carbon monoxide poisoning: recommendations to prevent accidents
Carbon monoxide poisoning: recommendations to prevent accidents

During 2023, the natural gas distributor Camuzzi has registered in its concession area more than 50 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning. However, these data only represent reported events, so there are surely many cases that were not reported and/or could not be verified.

In the majority of the accidents recorded, the types of appliances involved were heaters, followed by water heaters and stoves. Regarding the main causes that caused them, 85% of detected cases were related to evacuation ducts of the combustion gases of the appliances.

Likewise, it was possible to determine that the lack of ventilation grilles in the environments, their obstruction or the insufficient ventilationconstituted complementary causes that favored the occurrence of the accidents in question.

How to identify carbon monoxide poisoning?

Carbon Monoxide INFO Camuzzi GS.pdf.jpg

Chart shared by Camuzzi.

He carbon monoxide It is an invisible threat, a highly toxic and dangerous gas It has no color, taste or smell. It is generated as a result of incomplete combustion of the fuels that we normally use such as wood, coal, diesel or natural gas, when there is not enough oxygen available in the environment to achieve adequate combustion.

Mild poisoning can be confused with an upset stomach or the flu, due to the similarity of the symptoms. symptoms: vomiting, dizziness, headache, tiredness, weakness, among others. The longer the time and the exposure, the symptoms worsen.lowering body temperature, blood pressure and pulse, which can lead to seizures, unconsciousness and even death.


It is important to correctly install and maintain gas appliances, always in the hands of a licensed installer. From Camuzzi they provide the following recommendations so that users can safely use the resource:

  • Proper verification: periodically verify, and after long periods of non-use, with licensed gas technicians, the operation of gas appliances, their evacuation ducts and vents.
  • Ventilation: Maintain permanent ventilation of the rooms and verify that the ventilation grilles are not obstructed. Ensure that the gas evacuation ducts and chimneys are not obstructed or disconnected.
  • Correct use: use each artifact for the purpose for which it was manufactured. It is a common and dangerous mistake to use the oven or stove for heating since they consume a lot of oxygen from the environment in a short time and were not designed for that purpose. In addition, it is important to keep the kitchen burners clean of liquids and food because this clogs the burners and generates poor combustion.
  • Flame identification: Observe the color of the flame carefully, it should always be blue with transparent ends. A yellow or orange flame indicates appliance malfunction and the presence of carbon monoxide.
  • Suitable artifacts: Only balanced draft appliances can be installed in bedrooms and bathrooms. In those environments where open chamber appliances operate, permanent ventilation grilles are mandatory. Only devices approved by the Institutes endorsed by ENARGAS should be installed. Additionally, the devices must have a safety valve and be permanently installed by a licensed professional. The use of rubber hoses is not permitted given their high danger.

In the event of any emergency, users can contact the Camuzzi hotlines available 24 hours a day, every day of the year:

  • Camuzzi Gas Pampeana: 0800-666-0810 / 0810-666-0810
  • Camuzzi Gas del Sur: 0800-999-0810 / 0810-999-0810
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