How much is the fortune of Donald Trump and Joe Biden

How much is the fortune of Donald Trump and Joe Biden
How much is the fortune of Donald Trump and Joe Biden


Next Tuesday, November 5, the United States will elect its new president. For this reason, it has become a topic of interest to know the economic condition of the main candidatesamong which are Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The first, with a particular situation: he comes from being convicted of the crime of falsifying commercial records in a New York court, in addition to three other pending trials for violations of the law. While the second, he has all his energy in achieving re-election while continuing to govern the country, but he is very far from having the fortune of the Republican.

Having faced these trials, Donald Trump incurred a very significant amount of expenses, which is why it is believed that his fortune declined with respect to recent years. As detailed ForbesThe ex-president He has assets of US$6.1 million dollars.

Today, Trump’s main source of income, according to Forbes, is Trump Media & Technology GroupEVELYN HOCKSTEIN (EL PAÍS/ REUTERS)

While, in the case of Bidenalso according to the report of Forbes, His fortune has stagnated at US$10 million -which means more than two thirds of its total power- due to the underlying problems that the country is going through and that prevent citizens from perceiving themselves as richer after the significant increase in the stock market, for which the president himself is currently blamed.

The fact of having to pay lawyers and different bonds caused the number of his assets to decrease in the last year, by 5.32 percent, which, translated into money, means that Donald Trump would have about US$344 million less in his bank account. Among other expenses, he paid the sums of US$91 million and US$175 million for bail in different cases against him. In any case, that does not prevent the Republican candidate from still being considered a billionaire in United States.

Even these numbers, as indicated Forbes, they turn Trump into one of the 400 richest people in the worldwhich reflects its power and the importance it will have in the face of the presidential elections, in which it will seek to prevent the re-election of the Democratic candidate and current president of the United States, Joe Biden.

Former President Donald Trump’s Truth Social account on a cell phone, in New York on March 20, 2024. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)John Minchillo – AP

The actions of Trump Media & Technology Group They made Trump $5 billion richer when they began trading on the Nasdaq, while trading on the platform Social Truth. This company was the one that saved the former president and kept him wealthy despite the legal expenses that he had to face.

That is why, Today, Trump’s main source of income, according to Forbesit is precisely Trump Media & Technology Group. Even an eventual increase in these actions could lead the Republican to double your fortune in the future, in case the movements in the economy are in his favor and despite the fact that he cannot act as he pleases with them, given that he still cannot sell some of them beyond having them in his possession.

At the moment, Biden receives about US$400,000 a year as salarywhich are immobilized, but are somehow well used: The Democrat’s fortune consists of real estate businesses that he did throughout his life by acquiring properties, as well as the income he had when Barack Obama left the White House, which They were no more and no less than a little more than US$11 million, in 2017.

That moment was a before and after in the economic life of Biden, who, precisely, may again take advantage of a similar milestone in a few months: in case it is his turn to leave the White House at the end of the year after the presidential elections, can expect to earn a similar fortune the one he obtained seven years ago, before Trump took office.

Throughout his adult life, Joe Biden always saw buying different houses or mansions as a great investment while the opportunity to do so was presented to him, thinking of obtaining greater economic returns in the future, which he ended up achieving in a great way.

FILE – Joe Biden always saw buying different houses or mansions as a great investment (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)Alex Brandon – AP

In any case, although he knew how to have more, Biden currently owns two houses which have stagnant valuewhich resulted in its economy also remaining static: it has a mansion in Wilmington and a summer residence of 1463 square meters in Rehoboth Beachas detailed Forbes.

Although he managed to increase these homes by US$1,800,000 since he bought them in 2017 after winning that fortune, now their prices are static approximately twelve months ago, affecting the president’s business in the objective of selling them for an amount significantly higher than what he paid for them at the time, which was US$4,500,000.


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