The shocking moment when the singer suffers a seizure in front of the camera — Radio Concierto Chile

Celine Dionthe acclaimed 56-year-old Canadian singer, has opened her heart to the world in her new documentary I am Celine Dion (I Am: Céline Dion)available on Prime Video.

Despite being diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome in December 2022, Dion felt ready to reveal the devastating effects of living with this rare neurological condition.

The singer allowed Irene Taylor, director of the documentary, show an intimate and painful moment in which she suffers a severe seizure due to the syndrome that has kept her off the stage for almost two years.

An intimate portrait of Céline Dion’s struggle

In a shocking scene that has already circulated on several portals, you can see the interpreter of My Heart Will Go Onthe iconic song of Titanic (1997), suffering a prolonged spasm during a medical consultation.

The 10-minute clip shows Dion experiencing the intense pain of the disease, which causes progressive muscle stiffness. “I don’t know how to put it, it’s like… you know? Not being in control of yourself,” the singer said after the episode.

In an interview with Los Angeles Timesdirector Irene Taylor revealed some details about the conversation she had with Dion before filming this sequence. “She was in the best hands she could be in. If they needed an extra set of hands, I would have dropped my microphone and gone in to help them without a doubt. But I decided to keep filming knowing we didn’t have to use it,” Taylor said.

The hope of a return

After the episode, Celine Dion She wrapped herself in a towel and sat on the stretcher, confessing that she was ashamed of what had happened.

However, the artist left the consultation with a positive attitude. “I think that was her way of saying, ‘if you filmed that you can know that it’s okay.’ I don’t know what she looked like, and I thought, ‘Yeah, but she doesn’t know what she looks like. She was only semi-conscious.’ Ultimately, I edited it for the film,” Taylor added.

In the documentary, the most successful artist of all time promises to return to the stage when her health improves.

“I still see myself dancing and singing. I always find plan B and plan C, you know. That’s me. If I can’t run, I’ll walk. If I can’t walk, I’ll crawl. But I won’t stop. I won’t stop“Dion continues, showing her unwavering determination.

Understanding Stiff Person Syndrome

He Stiff Person Syndrome It is characterized by spasms in various muscles of the body, especially in the torso, arms and legs, sometimes accompanied by unusual postures.

Medical theory suggests that it has an autoimmune origin, in which the body attacks its own central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord.

According to United States National Institutes of Health (NIH)this syndrome is associated with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, thyroiditis, vitiligo and pernicious anemia.

The disease is more prevalent in women and usually develops between the ages of 30 and 60.

Episodes can be triggered by a special sensitivity to noise, touch, or as a reaction to startles.

Céline Dion also reveals in the documentary that she dealt with the symptoms of the syndrome for almost two decades before receiving the correct diagnosis.

Initially, she had attributed her health problems to sinus and ear infections.

“I can’t lie anymore,” he maintains in the documentary, explaining his decision to make his condition public.

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