Ojitos Meza supports Jimmy Lozano in the National Team | Halftime

Cristian Ordoñez

Mexico city / 27.06.2024 20:37:02

Faced with what some consider to be unconvincing results from Jaime ‘Jimmy’ Lozano, the coach Enrique ‘Ojitos’ Meza supports the work of selectorbeing Mexican and thinking that he does things well.

In interview for TUDNhe ‘Little eyes‘, who has also been coach of the Mexican National Team, defended Lozano, ensuring that we should not be ‘hard’ with the national coach.

“Jaime has done a good job, we already had a series of technicians foreigners who, at the end of the day, sorry but they did not provide good accounts. Why be so hard on Jaime? When he is Mexican, he made the studies of him, an ethical, morally very strong guy; So I would say that I hope he is respected too.”

In that sense, he recalled that Mexico should not fight for its place in the World Cup as it is one of the three venues, but recognizes that although everyone wants good results, many times it will seem to be a kind of hunt against Lozano.

We all want good results, but it seems to me that we are waiting for any little failure to go after Jaime.“.

However, Table He hopes that, after the defeat against Venezuela, Mexico “plays much better than it has played in recent timesbecause circumstances will require it and they have good players.”

It also recognizes the consensus where “They needed to handle the ball better and I believe that too, there were times when the forwards didn’t have a chance because we didn’t get there, the ball is lost before its time.”

Enrique “Little Eyes” Meza (Imago7)



Enrique “Little Eyes” Meza (Imago7)

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