Alicante commemorates Pride Day with the LGTBI banner at the City Hall

Alicante commemorates Pride Day with the LGTBI banner at the City Hall
Alicante commemorates Pride Day with the LGTBI banner at the City Hall
  • The vice mayor, the Councilor for Public Rights and representatives of the associations Alicante Entiende, Diversitat and Entamos LGTBI have unveiled the poster for Pride Week, which will be held from July 13 to 20

Alicante, June 28, 2024. The Blue Room of Alicante City Council hosted this morning the institutional event to commemorate Pride Day, which culminated with the unfurling of the LGTBI banner on the balcony of the town hall. The deputy mayor, Manuel Villar, the councilor for Public Rights, Begoña León, and representatives of the Alicante Entiende, Diversitat and Entendemos LGTBI associations spoke, and several members of the Municipal Corporation attended. León pointed out that “this 2024 we celebrate Pride as a transformative force that drives us towards a more inclusive, educational and peaceful future,” referring to the motto chosen by the associations for this year’s poster.

The councillor has highlighted the power of education “as the key that opens the door to equality” and has pointed out that “we cannot talk about progress without mentioning LGBT rights, because inclusion is a moral obligation of any society that claims to be just and true peace comes from acceptance and respect for diversity”. Pride in Alicante “is not just a manifestation of our identity, it is a demonstration of the power of change, since pride transforms, educates, defends rights and builds peace”, added the councillor.

For his part, the deputy mayor, Manuel Villar, has highlighted that Pride Day is a date “to give visibility to the LGTBI community, support their demands, celebrate everything that has been achieved and continue working to achieve effective and real equality for all people without any kind of distinction, discrimination or differentiation in rights and freedoms”. He has stressed that the Alicante City Council is “committed to justice and equality” and that “although we have made a lot of progress, there is still work to be done”. In addition, he has remembered the “victims of intolerance and hatred, whose fight has not been in vain”.

The representatives of the Alicante Entiende associations, Rosa Buades; Diversitat, Juan David Santiago; and We understand LGTBI; Lydia Na, have stressed the need to make visible the demands of the group on this day and to work every day of the year for their rights.

After the interventions, a musical performance took place and then the vice mayor, the Councilor for Public Rights and the representatives of the LGTBI associations unveiled the poster for Pride Week, which will be held from July 13 to 20 in Alicante and which will culminate with the demonstration.

Later, members of the governing team and representatives of the associations went out onto the main balcony of the town hall to display the LGTBI banner. Tonight, the building will be illuminated with the representative colours of the group, as will the Luceros fountain.

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