three winners face final expulsion

three winners face final expulsion
three winners face final expulsion

Survivors All Stars This Thursday, June 27, he experienced his first definitive expulsion. After a close fight, Adara Molinero ended up being eliminated against Olga Moreno, thus becoming the first contestant to be sent back to Spain by the audience. But the pace did not stop for a minute, with Laura Madrueño immediately giving way to the leader’s test, where Abraham once again took the immunity necklace that carries with it the task of directly nominating one of his colleagues.

Once the leader was chosen, Jorge Javier started a new round of nominations from the Madrid studio, from which Abraham was exempt for another week. The “fat trio”, as Lola, Marta and Alejandro have called themselves, joined forces to bring Bosco to the fore. Olga and Sofía crossed their respective points again, while their two great allies joined them. Thus, Jorge nominated Sofía, while Logan did the same with Olga. Bosco, for his part, gave his point to Lola, a bet that ultimately had no impact.

Bosco thus became the group’s nominee, with Abraham was forced to play off the tie between Suescun and Moreno. The young man did not hesitate, choosing to expose Olga again. in front of the audience. Already as leader, his direct nomination went to Jorge Pérez, thus closing the list of nominees.

This week, therefore, There are three winners who are playing for immediate expulsion from the reality showsince it is worth remembering that in Survivors All Stars There is no stilt house or exile or anything similar, so those eliminated do not lack any second chance. If the audience expels them, they return to Spain directly.

Bosco, Olga or Jorge, one of them will say goodbye to Telecinco viewers next week, although the three nominees will not make it to the decisive gala, since a few days before the most voted will be saved. It should be remembered that Pérez was the one who had the most support last week, saving himself from the shortlist of nominees with more than 50% of the votes, so he could once again have a certain advantage over his rivals. In any case, we will have to wait to find out if Bosco has more support than him among the public or, on the contrary, he will end up in a battle with Olga.

As has been customary during the last seasons of Telecinco’s reality television formatsthe expulsion will be decided by a free vote through the MiTele applicationThe program will close the voting as the days go by to choose the first person to be saved and then the first person to be expelled.

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