Clarín was present at Social Media Day 2024 – Insider Latam

Hernán Baccaro, Commercial Manager at Clarín, participated as a speaker at the event, where he spoke about the streaming boom, and its influence on the connection with audiences.

Clarín participated in a new edition of Social Media Day, the event that brings together the most important experts in trends and technological developments in Argentina.

The 14th edition was held at the Usina del Arte and covered topics such as digital trends, streaming, Artificial Intelligence and audiences. Hernán Baccaro, Commercial Manager at Clarín, participated as a speaker in the “Digital trends in media” block, in which he highlighted that creativity and the implementation of new formats are essential to gain relevance and achieve success among audiences.

The streaming boom was the star of the day. “In the world of streaming, audiences don’t just follow programs, they are very loyal to the platform itself, they follow the platform as a whole and not just a particular program. From that perspective, trying to build an audience on YouTube was a big job for us. The alliance we made with Blender, for example, has that goal: to reach a new audience for us and for them to have top-quality sports content. It’s a win-win,” said Baccaro.

Over the years, the media has proven to adapt to advances in technology with innovation in products and audiences. In the case of Clarín, its DNA began 101% analog. Today, it is possible to say that it achieved total adaptive power throughout all these years. From the web, the streaming channel promoted by Olé, the use of social networks as a means of information and all the advances that he is developing, from the editorial office, with AI.

In this sense, Clarín’s Commercial team continues to create strategies, enhanced by the creativity of its professionals, which focus on increasing brand awareness and engagement through the use of the most innovative technologies, thus generating content and commercial proposals of quality.

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