Inflation down and Sturzenegger and the dollar up, like Trump

The riots have passed and in the voting hours ago the protests outside Congress were barely noticeable, and even the Kirchnerists did not take part in them. Although not in the chamber, with signs on their desks, childish profit from the unfortunate disappearance of little Loan Peña. They later said that they were of good nature, that they had no desire to take political advantage. Pure hypocrisy.

Legislative impotence even led Pedrini from Chaco to greet Fernando Iglesias because he repudiated the coup attempt in Bolivia, with the irony of recognizing him as “welcome to democracy.” And, contradictory, alluding to words and political banality. Aren’t these things that already happened and that in the end favor Milei, as the new left-wing MPs, who, in order to attract attention, swore an oath against the State of Israel?

Kirchnerism, Unión por la Patria no se vende, continues to sharpen its claws with the pension adjustment law that affects the government’s accounts. And, as we know, Milei must be a unique case in the world by offering to give her life for the fiscal surplus. She promised to veto it. But the fact is that Kirchnerism added 160 votes with the radicals, on the verge of the two-thirds with which they could overturn the eventual presidential veto.

The door is open to the entry of Sturzenegger, the author of the original Bases (and the famous DNU), in his capacity, as Milei said, as the minister of state reform. And as if that were not enough, with another mandate: to prepare another numerous law to repeal those that make it difficult for the government and the private sector to move faster. It already has a proposed name: Hojarasca Law, to clean up the Civil and Commercial Code.

Milei reported that in the third week of this month there was zero inflation, a way of saying in popular terms what it announced after the sanction of the Bases: the government, to seek zero deficit, is now betting on the greater task of going for zero emissions. Of course, what people see are the prices, and if inflation seems to be going backwards, issues that are going forward quickly appear, such as: unemployment and recession, the most important economic data of the weekAnd there were several: the blue reached a record and June was the first month in which the Central Bank, which Kirchnerism left in the red, lost reserves under Milei.

Kristalina Giorgieva and Sergio Massa, a minister who was allowed by the IMF to spend without control.

Achilles tendon program: quickly lower inflation, tying it to the exchange rate. Many say: there is no other option. More: all governments successful in lowering high inflation used that recipe at some point. For this reason there are frictions with the Fund, which He is being much harder with Milei than he was with Massa. Caputo’s history with Macri does not help, but the Fund turned a blind eye to Massa, allowing him to spend uncontrollably what they gave him, justifying that they should help him finish the government. Georgieva is part of the Marx Brothers team: she has her principles, but if you don’t like them she has others.

With the laboriously achieved Law of Bases, a large cut from the initial, the very large Omnibus law, Milei says: I am starting a new stage. Another bet. We will see. The law came out thinner but it is still fat and it gives Milei the framework to govern and fulfill what he promised is his debt, because otherwise he runs (we run) the increased risk of having soup again: that everything changes so that nothing changes.

There were no surprises in the vote. Kirchnerism retained its own and also the alliance of libertarians, Pro, almost all of those that Pichetto brings together and the 25 radicals led by De Loredo. The 8 of Yacobitti, Lousteau and Manes voted with the K and the left. The deputies who did not vote with the Government will hardly do so later. And those who did it won’t always do it. That’s today’s photo. There was a surprise: Kirchnerism announced that it will appeal to the courts against the vote. If anything was missing, it was to involve judges in validating the affairs of Congress.

Another surprise, less known: military promotions shook the Senate. It happens that Vice President Villarruel, marginalized from security and defense issues, He marked the field for Milei and he crossed out three brigadier generals, a rear admiral and two colonels from the list sent by Rosada, whose lists were not treated.

Victora Villarruel intervened in the list of military promotions that were proposed to the Senate.

This, the local, in a tight summary. Let’s move on to foreign policy, which in this globalized world and with a president who aspires to have half the world talking about him, weighs a lot. There were three events with some relevance here. One, the rare coup attempt in Bolivia, which had not repeated its long tradition for a while. It lasted three hours. We think how far we are now from those greater misfortunes. But be careful: We have our share of irresponsible people who from time to time seem to crave it.

Two, the oral fight with Sánchez having ended, Milei has just replaced him with Lula, who, like the Spaniard, believes he has the right to interfere in other people’s politics, recommending that people vote for Massa, and that Milei keep his mouth shut. Half a year later, he continues to demand an apology from him, as if he knew that there would be a repeat of the same pranks. Face to face is no longer expected this Monday at the Mercosur summit. There is more curiosity about Milei’s intervener in the Foreign Ministry, Ursula Basset, a bishop of Santiago Caputo who denounced the advance of cultural communism in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

On the other side, the right, which is what interests Milei. Biden, weak in his race to repeat the presidency, bet on winning a debate against Trump. He lost and by a landslide. According to CNN, which does not usually hide its Democratic sympathies, by 67 to 33. We are a bit far from the presidential elections, which are in November, but the expectations are closer, they are already operating and it is assumed that this is also Milei’s bet to get the speech to become conducive effectiveness. By the way, Trump will be 78 in June and Biden will be 82 in November. But It seems like those four years were many more. Because he doesn’t usually get his footing. And to think that before, in many jobs, having years on top was a great advantage.

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