Lowrdez Fernández confirmed why they separated from the Bandana

Lowrdez Fernández confirmed why they separated from the Bandana
Lowrdez Fernández confirmed why they separated from the Bandana

On Wednesday, actress and singer Lowrdez Fernández visited Noche al Dente, the show hosted by Fer Dente on América TV, and talked about a bit of everything: from her time in the group Bandana, her present as a soloist, the concerts she has planned for 2024 and her relationship status, among other topics.

At one point in the talk, Dente asked him about the success he experienced more than two decades ago when he joined, along with Lissa Vera, Virginia de Cunha, Valeria Gastaldi and Ivonne Guzmán, the pop group that was all the rage in 2001 and achieved great success in Argentina with hits like “Guapas” and “Llega la noche”. “I went to Bandana to avoid going to work,” the singer began by saying, which caused the driver to laugh, although she later clarified that at that time she worked at night for a well-known brand of energizers.

“It was the supermarket or casting and I chose the casting. I went alone and I stayed, I don’t know how because my dance casting was embarrassing,” she admitted, assuming that her strong point was singing and not dancing, but that in any case she convinced those who evaluated her.

In that sense, Dente specifically asked him the reasons why the group broke up, taking into account that they were at the peak of their career and could continue growing: “The truth was because we hated each other, just like now. It had to be said and it was said,” he said, without mincing words.

“We were in therapy together, the five of us. We were at the height of our songwriting, but we split up out of respect for the people. It wasn’t a matter of changing jobs, it was a matter of changing our environment,” said Lowrdez about her departure from the group.

That being the case, the host continued with the program and at one point asked him about the song he wrote for Juliana Scaglione, popularly known as Furia and who rose to fame thanks to her time on Big Brother 2023. “Let’s talk about that topic that “Did you compose, how did you come up with it?” Fer Dente asked the guest, who clarified: “I received many messages with videos of her singing my songs and saying that she wanted to meet me.”

“The reality is that one day he was in the studio and he came out. I don’t know her (Furia) but I was inspired by her and well, I wrote the song that you already know,” added Lowrdez about the song he made for the Telefe reality player who has already been eliminated. “He was a divine trigger because people received him with great affection,” she concluded on the topic in question.

Born on April 2, 1981 in Buenos Aires, Fernández achieved fame in 2001 by being part of this pop quintet that emerged from the reality show “Popstars.” After the dissolution of Bandana in 2004, Lourdes continued her artistic career, venturing into different genres and disciplines. In 2006, she adopted the stage name “Lola” to release her first solo album, “Aire,” which included songs like “Soy tu Ángel” and “Deseos.” In addition, she participated in theater and television projects, establishing herself as a versatile figure in Argentine entertainment.

In 2016, Bandana reunited to celebrate their 15th anniversary (this time without Ivonne’s participation) and to perform a series of concerts that demonstrated the group’s relevance and the public’s affection for it. Lowrdez Fernández is still active in music and entertainment, diversifying her career.

Source: Infobae

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