How would you look with 75 sticks? … Gringo family sued NASA

How would you look with 75 sticks? … Gringo family sued NASA
How would you look with 75 sticks? … Gringo family sued NASA

A piece of 700 gram space junk hit the house Alejandro Oteroin Florida, USA in March of this year.

The residue went through the ceiling and into the basement, causing serious damage to the property. So much so that the family has now decided to sue the company. POTand demand compensation of $80,000equivalent to more than 75 million Chilean pesos. The law firm Mica Nguyen Worthywhich represents the family Knolldeclared in a statement that this demand “set a precedent” significant for future space debris claims, both in the public and private sectors, and noted that this would be the first time that the POT faces a lawsuit for these reasons.

The POTmeanwhile, acknowledged that the space debris came from its flight support equipment, used to mount batteries on a cargo platform, so the Otero family claim compensation for property damage, business interruption, emotional and mental distress, and third-party assistance costs.

The statement emphasizes that the Knoll They seek adequate compensation for the stress and impact on their lives. Although there were no physical injuries, the incident could have been catastrophic. The firm also asks the POT to consider eliminating the need for citizens to file claims under legal theories of negligence, citing international commitments. “Had the incident occurred abroad, the United States would have been fully liable to pay those damages under the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space.

This case could mark a turning point in how space debris claims are handled, establishing new responsibilities for space agencies and protecting citizens from future similar incidents.

According to Federal Tort Claims Actthe POT will have six months to respond to the claim.

What would you do with 75 million of weights?

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