In the Pujol restaurant “there was” an explosion; there would be a woman injured and with burns

MEXICO CITY.— The exclusive restaurant Pujol located in Mexico City, is going through a controversial moment, since it was spread on social networks that a woman allegedly sustained serious injuries after trying to light a fire. According to these unofficial publications, the incident would have been caused by an explosion.

After the ”wave” of speculation, the restaurant, considered one of the pillars of haute cuisine in the country’s capital, would have already commented on the matter, since an alleged statement is already circulating on networks.

They report that an explosion would have occurred in the Pujol restaurant; this is what is known

The renowned Pujol restaurant is facing controversy, since it has been pointed out on social networks that an accident occurred in its facilities.

Likewise and According to Twitter users, allegedly a woman suffered severe burns after a fire broke out.

The alleged incident has generated a “wave” of reactions and comments on social networks. Especially from a publication written in English on the Reddit website that narrated the situation and denounced the restaurant staff for not having acted prudently, and for having tried to defuse the situation.

And according to said testimony that was taken up by Infobae, The alleged witness mentioned that the nearby diners acted quickly to help the woman, as well as there were those who expressed concern about the alleged delay and lack of preparation of the restaurant staff. Pujol to drive the emergency.

It was even pointed out that staff continued to operate as normal, instead of making sure there was no more danger or injuries.

According to the alleged witness, also there was a confrontation with the manager of the place, who reacted aggressively to a customer’s complaints and warnings about campfire hazards. Finally, the climate of tension caused several people to leave the restaurant due to the perception that the incident was not being given due importance.

This publication was joined by the Twitter account: “Terror Mx Restaurants” (known for monitoring and reporting restaurant incidents) to validate the explosion in Pujol; This is how the situation has been echoed, making the topic one of the most discussed on social networks.

The Pujol restaurant allegedly talked about the explosion

On social networks, after reporting a alleged explosion in Pujol, It has also been commented on the assumption release that the restaurant spread on social networks during the night of last Thursday, September 7, and in which it is mentioned that “there was” a incident on the terrace that affected a woman.

According to what was written in the document, the incident would have occurred when an attempt was made light one of the bonfires located in said space, that was how “an unexpected explosion” took place.

Likewise, it was specified that unfortunately the flames resulting They caught up with a diner, who had to be immediately attended and transferred to the ABC Hospital in Santa Fe, a medical center known for providing specialized care in the Mexican capital.

The text concluded with a message expressing deep regret for the situation and stating that they are allocating “all the necessary resources to ensure his speedy recovery.”

After what was reported, Internet users are waiting for a clear response and concrete actions from the Pujol restaurant; while the good wishes towards the alleged victim do not cease, hoping for his speedy recovery.

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