Spanish, anteater or German helmet

German helmet or anteater? The question might seem innocent, but the truth is that it used to break out after the classic conversation due to some chance incident. German helmet or anteater (do you have the images in mind?) were euphemisms for “circum“cided” or “uncircumcised”. And it is difficult to imagine a more evocative metaphor. Or graphic. German helmet or anteater?

Those were the times, more salacious and ironic. There was a chapter of the old Sex in New York in which the uncircumcised member of one of the protagonists’ lover was compared to the face of a sharpei puppybreed of dog with a particularly wrinkled face.

Based on the few chapters I have seen of Naked Attractionthe dating show (HBO MAX) in which the contestants meet completely naked, it can be said that almost half of Spaniards are circumcised, although the majority remain proud of their status as vermilinguoserious name for anteaters that means “worm-shaped tongue”.

The Social Policy Institute (a conservative organization although it sounds like something related to the Ministry of Equality) has asked HBO MAX to immediately withdraw from Naked Attraction because, apparently, he does not have the age-appropriate rating. (This is the classic two diamonds or the “for adults with qualms”, which were the ideal incentive for a minor to want to see any eye of art and essay). The other conclusions that can extract from viewing of the program, filled with supposedly scientific data on the attraction of bodies, is that the comprehensive hair removal is also imposed for men, so it is increasingly difficult to find an anteater trapped in the barbed wire). Therefore, the aesthetic paradigm of the man and the bear, so popular for so many centuries in Spain, is broken.

The hair trend is extendable to women of the program, which show almost complete hair removal that allows a glimpse of the bivalve with all its folds and details. (We must specify that the production of the program abounds in zoom to the delight of the most curious viewer).

There was a time when in Andalusia it was called Hitler (the ‘jitler’) to the little mustache that was left as an alibi for the almost hairless crotch of women. The obvious thing is that the lushness of past yearsthose from porn soft before, it’s out of fashion. Fidelcastro (although the appropriate thing in our populist days would be the Gramsci), to continue with the dictatorial metaphor, it is no longer carried out in the public sector and Leninism is imposed. I peeled itas they called Iván de La Peña.

Hair seems to be a fundamental element in politics. There are fewer bald men (calbos they would say on the networks) in Parliament than there are female deputies. Only Miguel Tellado, the effective (and therefore vilified) spokesperson for the Popular Party boasts a clear front. If a bald politician were one of those specimens who participate in Naked Attraction Perhaps I would bet on having a transfer of pubic hair to the crown of the head. [Habría que destacar que, según las encuestas, la calvicie es el primer complejo de los hombres].

Perhaps that is the reason why Sánchez prefers to shake the hair of Milei (They call it the wig) to stoke the fear of the far right that has made him president. It’s not hard to imagine how the plainclothes president would behave if he had to seduce someone with just his body. The account of Mr Handsome (created in his honor by the socialist Montserrat Gusano worm like the anteater’s tongue!) can help us imagine.

What it teaches us Naked Attraction is that men can ego and to women, the fig.

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