Francisco, garbage operator, competed on all the Desafío 2024 tracks with the same shoes

Francisco, garbage operator, competed on all the Desafío 2024 tracks with the same shoes
Francisco, garbage operator, competed on all the Desafío 2024 tracks with the same shoes

Without a doubt, one of the most important chips for Alpha in Desafío 2024 was Francisco, the most recent eliminated from the reality show, who faced Santi, Kevyn and Hércules in the Black Box in a test that required a lot of agility and strength.

In dialogue with, the young man not only talks about his plans when leaving La Ciudadela, but also confesses some curiosities from his time in Tobia, Nimaima, such as the items he used for each of the sporting events.
See also: In Alpha of Challenge 2024 they accuse Francisco of losing in the Black Box intentionally

Francisco competed for seven cycles in the 2024 Challenge with the same shoes

The Super Human assures that every day that he was in the production he fought with the only tennis shoes that he packed in his suitcase from Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, to the location where the program is recorded that pits a group of people against different competitions to challenge your physical abilities.

“I’m leaving with the same tennis shoes. Look, that’s how it is. They weren’t even damaged, They are very good both below and above and I really felt very confident with them, very safe.”, expresses in the middle of the interview.
Don’t miss: How many millions Francisco takes after his time in the 2024 Challenge

On the other hand, he affirms that he is also left with a suitcase full of dreams fulfilled for having been part of the 20-year celebration and also of hopes, since he plans to invest the money he earned on the track in a profitable business that will Allow your family to move forward and provide you with a better quality of life.

“Many thanks to Desafío 2024, grateful for the opportunity. Here Franciscology present”, mentions.
You may be interested: Francisco, eliminated from the Challenge, clarifies if he let Santi win in the Black Box as Dickson thought

Francisco left Santi a task in the 2024 Challenge

The former member of Alpha says that he leaves him the commitment to continue ensuring the well-being of all the members, since he is sure that he has the necessary skills, both physical and mental maturity, to guide them along the path that allows them to advance strategically. in the confrontation.

Santi, please don’t let the Alpha house fall, So that is his responsibility, that this property continues to strengthen and continue from here to there bringing them victories,” ends.

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