Denisse González revealed why her mother gave her that name: “It was out of absolute admiration”

Denisse González revealed why her mother gave her that name: “It was out of absolute admiration”
Denisse González revealed why her mother gave her that name: “It was out of absolute admiration”

Written in SHOWS he 3/6/2024 · 3:09 p.m.

Denise Gonzalez became known after passing through Big Brother and is currently fulfilling his dream of working as a delo. Raised in the south, she spent her childhood in Trelew and today she enjoys recognition in Buenos Aires. In dialogue with the journalist Nico Peraltathe blonde talked about her family and told where her particular name comes from.

Denise Gonzalez

-What was your childhood like in Trelew?

-I always had a family that supported me a lot and my parents took me to all the sports I wanted to do. Sometimes there are little things you can’t do. Example: I wanted to study modeling but in Trelew there was no place for that and that would open the doors of work for you. I had to end up coming to Buenos Aires to make it happen, so the dream was postponed. When I was a teenager I had to go to school and I was only able to go little by little when I moved to Capital.

-Did your parents support you?

-Yes, but we have had many talks in which they suggested that I not stop studying because in a country as unstable as Argentina, a degree is always the best thing you can have. Therefore, I looked for a career and since I was always good at speaking and debating, I started studying Law. I like the race but it’s not like it killed me nor do I feel like it’s the only thing I was born for. I was doing well but it wasn’t my dream.

Denise Gonzalez

-What do they do?

-My father, Patricio, is an accountant and has a pharmacy in Rawson while my mother, Virginia, works at the University of Patagonia. She was previously a professor of Natural Sciences and is now in the university administration. They separated when I was two years old and I always had two houses. Luckily, they always got along well. I have only one sister, on my dad’s side, who is ten years older than me. Her name is Luisana and she is 12 years old. I see them when I travel.

Denise Gonzalez

-Is her name Luisana for Lopilato?

-I don’t know. It’s a name that her mother came up with and it stuck. Yes, I can tell you that my name is Denise after Denise Dumas. My mom loved Denise Dumas and since she wanted a middle name, she added Belén. This is how Denisse Belén looked. It was out of absolute admiration for Denise.

-Do you know Denise Dumas?

-No, I never saw her in person. I wish I could meet her, I would love to. My name is after her and I get a thousand points. The day she meets her, my mom dies.

Denise Gonzalez

The complete interview with Denisse González is in the May digital edition of Pronto magazine, it can be downloaded and read for free by clicking on this link

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