Juana Viale decided to tell the truth about her daughter Ámbar’s health: “They told me”

Juana Viale decided to tell the truth about her daughter Ámbar’s health: “They told me”
Juana Viale decided to tell the truth about her daughter Ámbar’s health: “They told me”

Juana Viale She is one of the most outstanding drivers that the argentine television. In front of Having lunch with Juana a few seasons ago, the granddaughter of Mirtha Legrand He managed to keep the lunches that his grandmother knew how to lead and generated a bond with his viewers. For this situation it is that What he said about the health of his daughter Ámbar de Benedictis caused an impact. “I was told”He launched “Juanita”.

Indeed, Juana Viale’s daughter You are not having a good time of health and you must take the necessary precautions in a time as hard as the winter fall. According to the granddaughter of Mirtha Legrand, Benedictis Amber He suffers from the flu that does not allow him to lead his life normally.

The confirmation of Juana Viale about the health of his 21-year-old daughter came to the table Having lunch with Juanawhen the driver He started talking about the state of Gino Bogani and then explain what his descendant is going through: “Mr. Bogani is half sick, half sick… we’re all half down, right? Nacho Viale too, my daughter Ámbar too…”.

“They told me that no one is getting vaccinated against the flu. Wrong, you have to get vaccinated against the flu, according to the doctors,” he added. Juana Vialemaking it clear that Benedictis Amber He is going through a major flu condition. Indeed, “Juanita’s” daughter is not at her best.

Scandal on television due to the leaked video of Juana Viale: “How disgusting”

Juana Viale She is one of the drivers of The thirteen and is in front of the Having lunch that his grandmother knew how to carry out, Mirtha Legrand. And it was precisely there where an episode occurred that many social media users warned and they went viral through a small clipping in which something unusual is observed. “Gross”they expressed.

Through TikToka user detected that something was wrong in one of the dishes served at Juana Viale’s table. “I was looking at a reelHere, I was showing Mirtha Legrand’s dishes, I don’t know what’s up. And, a bug appears on one of the plates. No, disgusting!”said the person who made the clipping viral.

In fact, a “bug” could be observed that invaded the plate, generating discomfort among users who made comments such as “My God, the guests better take their food from home.”; “How outrageous, like many restaurants”, “The bug followed her”, “I don’t watch the show, but it’s an unfortunate mishap.” and “So much trouble about that, it happens in the best kitchens.”

Scandal in El Trece over what they told Juana Viale on the air: “It’s ricotta”

Juana Viale experienced a tense situation on air and in front of all her diners, who reacted with surprise at the unexpected situation.. The rudeness of Mirtha Legrand’s granddaughter to the production of her program in The thirteen after a strong clash with Jimena Monteverde.

It all started in the classic moment of Jimena Monteverde in Having lunch with Juana, when the chef prepared to present the dishes that the host and her guests would eat. In that context, Viale confronted the cook and gave her a terrible bill: “Last Sunday you gave me a dessert that wasn’t the right one.” “It’s true, Mirtha Legrand had eaten it the night before. But hey, today for starters we have a grilled humita and then a lentil stew…” Monteverde concluded.

Willing to win the argument, Juana Viale asked him: “With goat cheese, right?” “No, she is ricotta,” said the cook.which motivated Juana to launch a very harsh “stick” for production: “Well, there were cuts even in the goat’s milk.”

The spicy back and forth between Juana Viale and Jimena Monteverde became a hallmark of the program Having lunch with Juanawhich follows the legacy of the “tables” of Mirtha Legrand, who now occupies the Saturday night slot on The thirteen. This is not the first time that heavy artillery has been fired between the host and the chef with jokes loaded with double meanings and hilarious insults.

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