Who are those eliminated from Win or Serve? With leaks

Who are those eliminated from Win or Serve? With leaks
Who are those eliminated from Win or Serve? With leaks

The competition in Win or Serve? It is becoming more and more intense, as is the competition, so viewers do not want to miss any minute of what is happening within the confinement in the house located in Peru.

After the division of the teams, who must face each other week by week to remain in space, each week a new elimination duel occurs that will end with “Endurance” either “Sovereigns” saying goodbye to one of his own.

Who are those eliminated from Win or Serve so far?

The reality show was a surprise when in the first episode, before entering the house, a participant was eliminated.

Alejandro Perezwas chosen by Coca Mendoza to leave the competition, after the former Colo-Colo player answered the phone in the middle of the desert that gave him the difficult mission.

While due to competition, Cindy Nahuelcoy, The former national referee became the first eliminated, after losing the duel for permanence against Claudio Valdivia.

In an unexpected departure, Gonzalo Egas, The winner of “La Granja” confirmed that his participation in the reality show was not what everyone thought, in fact he was an imposter. His mission was enter the competition to get to know the participants better, since he is the leader of the servants and will help them on their way through the ranch.

To the surprise of many, the second to leave the space by competition was the winner of “1810” Coca Mendoza. The former Colo-Colo player faced Raimundo Cerda in a complex duel. “Mateucci, it’s going to be difficult for you. I left a leadership that cannot be bought in the pharmacy.”

Upcoming assumptions removed

So far only two eliminations have been seen on screen, however, due to the television lag with what happens in real time, important moments that will occur in the next chapters have been leaked, as well as the exits from confinement.

According to Infama, the next ones to come out of confinement are Blue Mary, José Ángel González “The Poet” and Mariela Sotomayor. However, other possible exits were revealed through social networks, among which would be Camila Recabarren, Julia Fernandes (who has not yet entered), Austin Palao, Raimundo Cerda and Cristián Mujica.

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