The perfect night: the unmissable monologue with which Sebastián Wainraich opened the program

The perfect night: the unmissable monologue with which Sebastián Wainraich opened the program
The perfect night: the unmissable monologue with which Sebastián Wainraich opened the program

The host took advantage of the opening of the program to make a nice reflection on his age.

June 3, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

Sebastián Wainraich opened The Perfect Night with a monologue about life after 50 (Video: The Perfect Night)

Sebastián Wainraich opened his first program of The Perfect Night with a monologue about his arrival at 50 years old. “I put on a suit, the situation called for it, here I am, I hope this perfect night catches you in a unique moment”the driver started. “It catches me at a very important, very nice moment, because I turned 50 years old.” Very recently, no one gave two mangoes, I turned 50”he continued telling.

“I thought I was going to be different from when I was 50, that I was going to be taller, more serious, more mature, but in life you still think the same nonsense as when you were little”he reflected.

If life were a soccer game, I’m like ten minutes into the second halfthe second half is starting, everything costs more but is more intense at the same time. If it were a trip to Mar del Plata I would have stopped a couple of timesI went to the bathroom, I bought the croissants, so I’m there. If life were a night of passion I already fell asleep“I already did it, didn’t I? That’s it, I already did it.”he deepened, true to his sense of humor.

But hey, I’m happy. I realize that for others you are big because they tell you that you are a kid, they tell you that you are the new 40″he commented, and then gave some examples of famous people at 50 years old, such as Donald Trump and Mahatma Ghandi, among others. “This one obsesses me, Hernán Drago, I’ve been with him for a year, I want to see how he reaches 50. And the one who obsesses me, truly obsesses me, is Rodrigo Lussich”he closed with laughter.

June on eltrece will be perfect: premieres in the new programming

In June the eltrece screen lights up with a renewed program full of new features. Unmissable premieres and million-dollar prizes will make it a perfect month.

José María Listorti returns to the eltrece screen with 100 Argentinos saythe program in which families who confront each other must answer about various topics such as music, sports and current events. And Sebastián Wainraich with The Perfect Nighta Kuarzo production that will also feature Peto Menahem, Leticia Siciliani and “Bebe” Sanzo.

To start the mornings informed and with joy, Carmen Barbieri will accompany you with very morning. While Rodrigo Lussich and Adrián Pallares will give you all the information about the show in Show Partners.

In the afternoon there will be a very varied proposal: Matter of weight with Mario Massaccesi, Not very correct with Pollo Álvarez and Chino Leunis, and Now I fall with Darío Barassi.

And at night it will be Guido Kaczka, who will continue delivering millions, apartments and cars 0 kilometers in The 8 Steps.

The eltrece de Junio ​​programming will also have four newscasts and the well-known weekend programs: Mirtha’s Night, Having Lunch with Juana, Rest of the World and Passion for Soccer.

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