This was the re-entry of the former participants to Big Brother

This was the re-entry of the former participants to Big Brother
This was the re-entry of the former participants to Big Brother

“Outside I sing, dance and morph like a Viking. Keep failing the tests, I don’t give a damn.”continued and added: “I don’t want to get you excited but surprises are coming. It’s a big shame if I leave, but to get rid of the anguish, they’re going to see The Truman Show.”

“I’m not leaving without greeting you or giving Virginia a shout out”closed Manzana, who before leaving the house approached Virginia Demo and gave him a kiss on the mouth.

Then, in addition to Apple, they came back in Agostina Spinelli, Lisandro Navarro, Lucía Maidana, Zoe Bogach, Denisse González, Mauro D’Alessio, Isabel De Negri, Carla ‘Chula’ De Stefano, Hernán Ontivero and Axel Klekaylo.

But the participants who are still in the competition did not meet them because they were at the SUM with the excuse of watching a movie. However, on the screen they did not see The Truman Show, as they had agreed, they observed -without audio- the entrance of their former colleagues.

From the studio, the driver Santiago del Moro He explained to the audience that those who will nominate this week are the former Big Brother. “Those who put together the plaque are those who are outside”, he claimed.

“I’ll tell you what’s going to happen: this week the ones who are going to nominate are them, the house doesn’t nominate. Those who are there to enter don’t know that they’re going to have to nominate. What are they going to call them? One by one. “Once they go to the confessional, they leave the house so that they do not have contact with the rest and cannot plot.”said the presenter.

Immediately, to the group of former players who were in the apartment and who will enter the house on Tuesday, he said: “You are surely going to go with some type of woven strategy tomorrow, but the rest of the house is not going to have it because they are going to surprise you live now.”

Virginia exposed the terrible attitude of her colleagues in Big Brother

Rage has a very clear objective: to bring out Virginia Demo from the house of Big Brother. Juliana Scaglione He doesn’t want to touch any of the “originals” and intends to go all out against the comedian.

The relationship between them has become strained in recent days and everything indicates that things could get worse and worse. The strategist sees the blonde as a real threat and wants to turn everyone against her.

On Sunday, before the gala, Virginia realized that her classmates began to give her a void and leave her alone. While she was in the gallery, the rest were waiting for Santiago del Moro to come out on the couch.

“Notice that they always go out and wait for the gala out here, now that I’m outside, no one comes in case the queen gets angry. My God, it’s terrible, terrible, terrible,” he warned.

Virginia has important support from the public and will probably need all that support for the next plate, in which she has a high chance of being nominated.

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