The most beloved scaly returns, “Pedro the scaly: scalier than ever”

The most beloved scaly returns, “Pedro the scaly: scalier than ever”
The most beloved scaly returns, “Pedro the scaly: scalier than ever”


He July 16th has been the date chosen by Disney+ in Latin America for the premiere of the sequel “Peter the Flaky: Flakier than ever”the second part of the successful Colombian soap opera that reached more than 105 countriesled by an unconventional hero played by renowned actor and producer Miguel Varoni.

The new installment of “Peter the Flaky: Flakier than ever”, narrates Pedro’s return to Colombia. After living abroad for twenty years, the protagonist of the story returns to his homeland to encounter a reality completely different from the one he left when he was forced to seek new horizons. To his surprise, he discovers that Your son has become a successful and prosperous professionalforcing him to invent a series of stories in order to hide what has been a life of sacrifice and deprivation and gain the respect and admiration of Pedro Junior.

Composed of 23 45-minute episodes, the new production led by Varoni and Torres“Pedro the Scaly: Flakier than Ever” features a top-notch cast made up of Álvaro Bayona, Marcela Mar, Ana María Trujillo, Juan Carlos Arango, Carolina Serrano and Luz Estrada, among others. The new series premieres on July 16 with all its episodes in Disney+ throughout Latin America.

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