Darío destroyed Virginia in Big Brother and said without filters what everyone thinks about her

The participant spoke with Martín Ku about the attitudes that bother him most about his partner.

June 9, 2024, 2:12 p.m.

Dario made clear everything that bothers him about Virginia. (Photo: Telefe Capture)

Darío Martínez Corti He got fed up and told everything that he dislikes Virginia Demo. In addition, he assured that her partner has “double speech” in Big Brother 2023 (Telefe).

The participant had an intimate talk with Martín Ku in which he referred to the player’s attitudes. “She resorts to humor and pity”He launched.

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has a double speech. On the one hand, it talks about the shortcomings it has. “She talks about the house for her daughter, but then the girl goes to Europe for a month or so,” criticized Darío, since he believes that Virginia states that she has financial problems when in reality she does not.

Darío spoke with Martín Ku about Virginia’s attitudes. (Photo: Telefe Capture)

“He can’t stop talking about trips”He questioned the conversations he heard from his partner. Furthermore, he showed that It bothers him that she gets anxious about everything. what happens in the house.

“It’s one thing to be excited about your daughter, but this one (Virginia) has cried for anything”Dario expressed while speaking with Martín Ku.

The bawdy scene that Virginia Demo starred in “Big Brother”

Virginia Demo She is one of the candidates to leave the house of Big Brother 2023 this Sunday. She knows that she is on a tightrope and that is why she has been alone in the last few days. The player preferred to be in the room so as not to hear the screams of Rage and in one of his moments of loneliness it seems that he took the opportunity to practice self-satisfaction, but the moment went live and the video went viral within a few minutes.

Several users were stunned when they saw the images of the actress.

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The actress and comedian he would have touched himself under the sheets and her movements left her in evidence. However, her recording did not go down well with the majority of users, who accused it of being disgusting and asked for it to be deleted so that they would no longer see it on TV.

His fans came out immediately and were forceful with their messages. “What’s wrong? Have you never seen a woman pleasuring herself?” “Adult women have sex too.” “ah, but if Juliana does it, it’s probably fine, right?”“I don’t understand what’s wrong if everyone does it,” they said.

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