Nicolás Buenfil, son of Erika Buenfil, wants to meet his grandfather, former president Ernesto Zedillo

Some days ago Nicolás, son of Erika Buenfil, shared in their Instagram stories some photos he took with his father, Ernesto Zedillo Jr, and one of his half-sisterswhich showed that there is a good relationship between them.

And recently the young man was interviewed by several media outlets that They asked him if at some point his parents could resurface. love and decided to be together. However, Nicolás said that he does not believe it happens, and that it would seem strange to him.

We recommend: PHOTOS: Nicolás Buenfil, son of Erika Buenfil, meets with his father, Ernesto Zedillo Jr

“It seems very strange to me, I can’t imagine them, I have never seen them together, I have always had my mother, literally, for me, seeing them together would be something strange.”

Regarding the photos you shared, He said that he made the decision to share them and his mother He agreed.

“I wanted to upload the photos at the end of the day, my mom, perfect, she took it very well, she just told me ‘can I say about it in the media?’, I told her: ‘no problem if you talk about it’, and she is Super good”.

Nicolás Buenfil wants to meet his grandfather, Ernesto Zedillo

Although Nicolás already lives with his father and his sistersstill does not know his grandfather, the former president of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo, So in the conversation with reporters he said that he wants to meet him.

“I have no relation). The truth is, I would be interested in knowing him, just to see him, to treat him, even for a little while, it would be cool.”

Finally, Nicolás Buenfil expressed that he has not yet told his father that he wants to live with his grandfather, but that due to the interview it is likely that he will find out and the day will soon come when he can meet his grandfather.

“In fact, I haven’t told you, but you’re probably going to see this and then there you go, step by step.”


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