Carla Jara officially joins Good morning everyone

Carla Jara officially joins Good morning everyone
Carla Jara officially joins Good morning everyone

Fue María Luisa Godoy y Eduardo Fuentes quienes dieron a conocer la noticia.

“Estamos muy contentos. Queremos presentar como parte oficial del equipo a la gran Carlita Jara“, manifestaron los conductores del programa.

La exintegrante de Mekano entró al estudio, quien fue recibida con cálidos abrazos por los animadores del espacio.

La participación que tendrá Carla Jara en el Buenos días a todos

“It’s no longer a visit”expressed Eduardo Fuentes, alluding to the sporadic appearances that the program has had in recent times.

I chose you. I am very happy to be in the Hello, everyone, the morning of Chile and be with you. They are tremendous, pure admiration,” were Carla Jara’s first words.

Later, the actress said that He will be a panelist three times a week: “I hope it lasts longer,” he said with humor.

We are going to be talking about women’s issues, which are of interest to women, with guests, specialists. “I am very happy to be able to accompany them and make them feel part of this morning event that has been going on for so many years,” she said.

El “nuevo comienzo” de Carla Jara de la mano del Buenos días a todos

Later, Page 7 acknowledged that this new role means “a new beginning.”

“I was part of a couple of years ago (of the morning), but This return is a new beginning, it is different, because I am with an incredible duo. “They are very nice and pleasant people.”

Likewise, she was “eager” to get started: “I want to contribute from what I know, from my experiences, from my side as a woman. “We are going to talk about women’s issues in general, which can reach anyone, so that they can identify and give them advice.”

“I am very happy and grateful that you thought of me“, he stated.

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