Martín’s move to control the prison

Martín Lara enfrenta un complejo panorama en Juego de Ilusiones, luego de que Patricia mostrara interés por comprar la cárcel El Faro.

Recordemos que la madre de Alana puso sus ojos en el centro penitenciario para vengarse del director y de Mariana, quien le quitó la vida a su hija.

Debido a ello, mostró interés por adquirir la inversión de los socios de Martín, para así convertirse en socia mayoritaria del centro de reclusión y poner en jaque al abogado en Juego de Ilusiones.

De hecho, dejó en evidencia en su visita por la cárcel que está decidida a invertir pese a la serie de deficiencias en términos de seguridad, lo que inquietó al padre de Rubén.

Martín buscará una nueva alianza en Juego de Ilusiones

Given this scenario, the character will try to find alternatives so that Patricia does not keep the majority of the shares, asking for help from an unexpected person.

The above, since in chapter 360 of Game of Illusions Martín went to Irene, to whom he revealed that he knew about the sale of the Mirnoff diamond, so he was aware of its purchasing power.

Although Mariana’s mother was not convinced with the idea, Martín persuaded her that it was a good opportunity to be closer to her daughter, and thus be able to make decisions regarding the detention center.

This, considering that in the event that Patricia becomes a majority partner, Rubén’s father would not have a greater influence on decision-making, so Irene could not have the access that she now has to the mother of the Mardones Nazir sisters.

With this, this turn in the history of Game of Illusions in Mega, it suggests that Irene will become a businesswoman in the security field, becoming a headache for Alana’s mother, who also tried to murder her.

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