Nicolás’ inconsolable crying in Big Brother due to the hard news he had to give his mother

Nicolás’ inconsolable crying in Big Brother due to the hard news he had to give his mother
Nicolás’ inconsolable crying in Big Brother due to the hard news he had to give his mother

The six players who are still in competition had to debate among themselves to remove a family member from the reality show.

June 13, 2024, 00:54am

This was the moment when Nicolás Grosman told his mother that he had to leave the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Telefe Capture)

Although two relatives were expected to leave the house of Big Brother (Telefe), The only one eliminated was Antonella, the mother of Nicolas Grosman. The person in charge of telling him the news was his son, who was very sad and could not contain his tears during the farewell.

“We’ll see you in a few days. In there we had to vote among all of us to see who to vote out. “I wanted you to stay.”, the participant told his mother. Minutes before, the six remaining players in the competition had debated in the SUM about which visitors they should expel from the reality show.

Read also: Coy, Furia’s sister, entered Big Brother 2023 and told him who he had to urgently eliminate from the reality show

Nico hugged his mother after announcing that he had to leave the “Big Brother” house. (Photo: Telefe Capture)

This is how Fury’s sister left the “Big Brother” house

This Tuesday of double elimination of family members in Big Brother took on another color when Coy, the sister of Juliana “Furia” Scaglione, asked to leave the house.

The announcement occurred when Santiago del Moro was explaining how the vote was going to be tonight for the players to kick out two visitors from the reality show and Georgina interrupted him to make her decision known.

I can’t stand being in the house and I would like to leave it, if possible, and return home.“, launched the relative of the stunt double. “Do you want to leave the house tonight?” the driver asked him, surprised. “If you can, yes,” she responded.

Coy Scaglione left the Big Brother house of his own free will (Photo: Telefe capture)

The presenter said: “I sense it must be because of your baby.” Coy nodded and Fury completed: “Yes. It’s La Chula dos esta.” With her voice breaking, Georgina added: “I’m not being able to stand it. I already gave it my all, damns. Let me out”.

“Let’s do something: May the house say goodbye to you, may Juli say goodbye to you. You are going to leave and then they are going to settle, they are going to take out only one. You leave and they are going to choose someone else to leave. You say goodbye now calmly and I will return later,” del Moro told them, thus giving way to Coy’s departure from the house.

What was the information from abroad that Furia received

In the final stretch of Big Brother (Telefe), the boys began a journey with several of their most beloved relatives. One of those who entered the house was Hammockthe sister of Juliana “Furia” Scaglione. After the first minutes of excitement and hugs, the game was evident: The media spoke about the outside to the sports instructor who was compromised.

During a talk they were having in the kitchen, histrionic sister Rage He recommended that everything he does now In fact, it is outside the strategy.

Fury and a visit that he did not expect: his sister Coy joined Big Brother 2023, but has already left. (Photo: Telefe capture)

“The strategy is already there. I mean, people already know you, stupid. To all the same. Everyone knows who you are, who is Emma, ​​who is Bauti, or El Chino. “Everyone already knows”, she launched, data that can be safely taken as information from the outside.

The participants have been isolated since December 11, 2023, the date on which the reality show began, the longest in the history of Argentina. The extent of the game means that any information provided could be harmful to them.

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