Furia made a discriminatory comment towards AIDS patients

Furia made a discriminatory comment towards AIDS patients
Furia made a discriminatory comment towards AIDS patients

Fury is going increasingly beyond the limits that many viewers are willing to tolerate. Now, made an absolutely reprehensible and discriminatory comment in reference to HIV-AIDS patients.

His statements caused a scandal on the networks, where users rebuked Santiago Del Moro so that at today’s gala, Thursday, I address the issue in order to raise awareness about the seriousness of what the participant stated.

In dialogue with Emmanuel Vich, he began to talk about the bad relationship he had with María (although for some inexplicable reason, in the program they always called her Marisol), Martín’s girlfriend.

In that context, Furia began by saying: “Tintu is a great actress. Wow, I realized, I know you couldn’t talk to me but I realized how she treated you and that she couldn’t even see me,” she said.

And he went for more: “He couldn’t even see me. Do you know what it feels like when someone is envious and angry with you? He connected with the whole house but not with me.”

Then came the discriminatory phrase that earned him the rejection of a large number of social media users and followers of the program. “What do I have, HIV (AIDS)? Do I smell like shit? That I have?”.

Furia used the disease of AIDS as a reason for discrimination. Capture TV.

The fact that Furia used the aforementioned illness in the middle of his tirade against another person generated an immediate reaction on the networks. There were many who asked Santiago Del Moro to address the issue at the galaDon’t let that comment go by just like that.

And many of these users not only praised the program’s host on the objective that the right to health and disease control are guaranteed”.

And it explains that its mission is “to develop scientific research and actions for the prevention and promotion of rights to guarantee access to health and reduce the impact of diseases with a focus on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, vaccine-preventable diseases and other diseases.” communicable diseases, as well as sexual and reproductive health.

It is worth remembering that since the appearance of AIDS, in the ’80s, the Foundation led by the doctor Pedro Cahn In addition to dealing with medical issues, he campaigned strongly against discrimination against people with diabetes.

Fury, destroyed by network users for his statements about AIDS. Capture TV.

The harsh reactions that Furia’s comment about AIDS aroused

Among the many tweets where viewers expressed their indignation at Furia’s statements and even asked for his expulsion, the following are examples:

“This is no longer a game. This is absolute hate speech on open TV. Just as the AMIA joke was judged, I hope that for this there is AT LEAST a public apology to people who live with HIV. @GastonTrezeguet @laubfal @SANTIAGODELMORO @FundHuesped”

“Someday that disastrous comment about some disease had to come. Explain to her and her fans who will surely defend her that HIV can be undetectable and that she is not contagious by having you by her side… Beautiful STIGMATIZATION JUST MADE”

“Hello, @SANTIAGODELMORO. I imagine that you are already contacting @FundHuesped to help you make a report on HIV”

“In Argentina, +140,000 people live with HIV and 1,400 die annually from AIDS-related diseases. I hope it helps you @SANTIAGODELMORO”

Did he say that if you have HIV they don’t have to approach you because you’re disgusting? @SANTIAGODELMORO. And that? Are you going to show him an awareness video tonight? Or are they going to forget him like all the abuse he inflicts?”

“With the history that this disease carries, the number of victims, the discrimination against the LGBT community in the ’80s, ’90s and 2000s, the suffering, the struggles, the LEAST we hope is for them to make a report @SANTIAGODELMORO. The right thing EXPULSION, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

“Do you know how many people are afraid to count because of people like these? Do you know that having HIV is not a reason for discriminatory contempt? #BigBrother @BigBrotherAr @romistonee @FundHuesped.”

The immediate reaction of the Huésped Foundation on Twitter

The Huésped Foundation was the first to react to the spectators’ request outraged by Furia’s discriminatory words towards those who suffer from HIV.

He did so by writing on Twitter: “Hey, they’ve been asking us to release data on #HIV. It’s always a good opportunity to learn: Reliable, evidence-based information can help us break down prejudice and stigmatization“.

And then they presented a thread on the topic: “Here we leave you some key data to take into account

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