Chino’s girlfriend from Big Brother exposed the production and revealed how she takes care of Furia

Chino’s girlfriend from Big Brother exposed the production and revealed how she takes care of Furia
Chino’s girlfriend from Big Brother exposed the production and revealed how she takes care of Furia

Marisol, Martín Ku’s girlfriend, fired everything against the production of Big Brother because he revealed all the discomforts he suffered while living with Juliana Scaglione, he said that he did not have a good time and stated: “Is this Great Fury?”

The fight that the recent elimination from the house had was with Juliana and Chino defended her because the player treated her as “envious” and “falluta.” To which the panelist Gastón Trezeguet pointed out against the groom’s attitude.

“Furia was never wrong and perceived that you had an energy that was not correct. She took the Marisol token from you,” the former finalist told him. To this, she responded: “Is that intuition called Coy (Furia’s sister)? Because the first day she arrived she marked Martín and suddenly she started to hate him. I ask. I don’t know. I thought you couldn’t throw information from outside“.

But Trezeguet was even stronger and asked him: “Are you really going to deny that you were the cause of Chino losing the game yesterday?” And, with total indignation, Marisol asked: “What does it mean to lose the game? Is this Big Brother or Big Fury?

Bautista exploded against Furia in Big Brother 2023 and the truce was broken: “They are yelling at us for something”

The Uruguayan participant Bautista Mascia confronted Juliana “Furia” Scaglione and they had a shouting match after she decided to break the alliance to reach the final of Big Brother 2023.

From one moment to the next, the camera Big Brother 2023 showed that Furia was yelling at Bautista. Before changing shots to hide the situation and protect Juliana, she could be heard telling him: “And? Because? Why do you say it? I don’t work for anyone, I work alone, and what I saw was seen by everyone yesterday and they yell at us for a reason.“.

A few seconds later, the camera returned to the men’s room and Mascia could be heard responding: “In favor of whom? I didn’t say Emma manipulates you.“In this way, it was not well understood what happened, but what was evident is that Telefe returned to protect Scaglione after a new attack.

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