Who is leaving Big Brother this Monday, June 17, according to surveys

Who is leaving Big Brother this Monday, June 17, according to surveys
Who is leaving Big Brother this Monday, June 17, according to surveys


The next elimination gala is getting closer and closer Big Brother (Telefe), in the middle of one of the moments of greatest tension in the competition, since fewer and fewer participants remain in the house. The little brothers came from receiving visits from their loved ones, which turned coexistence upside down. In this framework, although the official results took a few more days to arrive, The polls began to speak and there is already speculation who will be the next to leave.

It is worth remembering that the weekly leadership of Darío Martínez gave him the opportunity to remove one of his colleagues from the nominees list and raise another. This left its composition closed for the elimination gala next Monday. The La Plata player’s decision was influenced by the small number of people left in the house.

The truth is He had no other option but to raise Bautista; To do so, he first chose to lower Nicolás, and in this way exchanged two members of the group of the Bros. Taking this into account, the final plaque was confirmed as follows: Juliana ‘Furia’ Scaglione, Emmanuel Vich, Martín Ku and Bautista Mascia.

This is how the final plaque looked for Sunday’s elimination gala (Telefe)

In the surveys carried out during the week prior to the elimination gala, both Instagram and reality They cast their votes and gave the first tentative results. Although they are not part of the official figure, since the true voting method of the cycle is by telephone, These results allow us to analyze what could happen.

In this sense, the survey carried out by the account @mundofamososok shows that the favorite candidate to leave is Juliana, with 7.8 thousand votes. Martín follows with 3.8 thousand and, third, Emmanuel with 1.8 thousand, which leaves Bautista as the least voted.

The polls point to Juliana as the most voted to leave (Capture: Instagram)

In turn, the survey published by @gh_trivia Through the social network X shared something similar, since Furia appears as the most voted, with 58.1% of the votes. Then, Martín and Emmanuel also follow, once again leaving the musician as the one with the least chance of leaving.

At Sunday’s gala the new eliminated person will be known (Capture: X)

Despite the evident interest of the followers of the realityofficial results will not be revealed until Monday. It will be during the gala when all speculations are cleared up and the official votes are known, putting an end to the conjectures that were generated throughout the week.


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