What nobody says about the current series on Netflix

Confidence, that is definitely the best word to define Eric, the series that Netflix promoted to the hilt both before and after its premiere and which quickly climbed to be one of the most viewed on the platform. But is it really what it promises? It definitely has it all. However, sometimes, as the well-known premise goes, less is more.

The 6-episode series tells the story of a family made up of Vincent, a father who knew how to be a successful puppeteer but who always saw himself disturbed by his deep psychological problems; Cassie, a mother disappointed in her relationship with her partner; and Edgar, a 9-year-old son, super creative and intelligent, affected by his parents’ bond. They live in New York and one day, the child disappears. Faced with the desperate situation, Vincent becomes more unstable every day and clings to a drawing of his son’s that shows a monster called Eric, a puppet that the child created. He is convinced that if he can get Eric to appear on television, Edgar will come home.

Within that story, The 6-episode series adds endless seasonings. To begin with, it takes place in the ’80s, the colorful and exaggerated decade that in recent years has been recreated to the max trying to catch the nostalgic. And, taking into account that context, does not leave a problem of the time unaddressed: corruption in the police and politics, drugs, alcoholism, homelessness, class differences, trafficking of minors, discrimination, racism, homophobia and even prejudices around AIDS. And to all this are added the music of the time and a giant, hairy monster that walks through the streets of the New York neighborhood.


With that combo, no one can call it boring. But, Without a doubt, the whole set is too much. So much so that there comes a moment, halfway between chapters 4 and 5, when we even lose the notion of who the real protagonist is, whether the tormented father or the police officer in charge of the investigation. With that, Eric himself, who is nothing more and nothing less than the character that gives his name to the series, also begins to lose weight.

Besides, Although the production in general has received positive reviews from the public, the problems it raises are so many that they all end up being treated above. and without too much depth.

Even so, In the pros column you can put the performances, which undoubtedly add up. Directed by Abi Morgan and Lucy Forbes, stars the infallible Benedict Cumberbatch, who can definitely handle his tangled role without problems. And they join him, Gaby Hoffmann, the actress who stood out in the ’90s when she was very young and resurfaced in recent years showing an incredible talent that shows it seamlessly in Eric; and McKinley Belcher III, who has just shined in Orzak and now, playing the police officer, is not far behind.


Another factor that helps keep the viewer on the screen is uncertainty, which is handled quite well. because, in the midst of so much drama, the script manages to make all the characters seem suspicious at times.

In the midst of so much confusion, the question arises, Is so much confusion and saturation necessary for the core problem that the story poses? And the answer, most likely, is no.

Eric’s trailer

Embed – Eric (SUBTITLED) | Official trailer | Netflix

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