Nicolás denounced “fraud” by the production of Big Brother: “How do they let so much information leak?”

The participant got tired of intimate information being leaked and decided to warn his group, the Bro. New scandal on reality TV?

Nicholas from Big Brother. Photo: Telefe capture.

Big Brother is very close to the final, which is next July 7, and the spirits among the participants are not the best. The group of The Bros They don’t get along with the rest of their classmates and they made it clear in a conversation they had in the patio of the house and that went viral on networks in the last hours.

In that sense, Nicholas denounced “fraud“by the production of the reality show for passing intimate information to one of the players, a situation that caused a fight among the groups that were formed inside the house.

It all started because Emma Vich a man threw him in his face private comment that he had had in the confessional with the authorities. This situation made the young man very angry and made him warn his friends. “He told her everything (the production), Emma yesterday arguing told me ‘You’re going to talk about me in the confessional’ I don’t understand how these let so much information is leaked“said Flor Regidor’s ex in front of the attentive look of Bautista and Chino. New scandal between the participants and Telefe?

Nicolás exposed the production of Big Brother. Video: social networks.

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GH production cut off the broadcast when Fury threatened Chino

Rage started arguing with him Chinese and when the threats from the participant began to appear, Big Brother decided to cut the live broadcastan attitude that was repeated on previous occasions so that the public I can’t see it.

In the middle of the nominees’ dinner this Sunday, Martín Ku answered Furia, despite his strategy of not arguing. “You raised the versus when you said my name, you said it live Furia,” said Chino. In this way, he made it clear that the alliance to reach the final together was broken because of her.

Fury and the Chinese from Big Brother. Photos: Telefe capture. Fury and the Chinese from Big Brother. Photos: Telefe capture.

Faced with these accusations that left her exposed, Juliana Scaglione began to threaten her partner: “You raised the versus, but with two boys behind. Patotero flower that you make yourself and you forgot that I’m mine. The next time you yell at me…” After the latter, the production cut the live and the entire fight could not be heard.

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