Lucía Galán’s health status 4 days after having surgery for a premalignant cyst in the pancreas

Lucía Galán’s health status 4 days after having surgery for a premalignant cyst in the pancreas
Lucía Galán’s health status 4 days after having surgery for a premalignant cyst in the pancreas

Some days ago, Lucia Galan she announced in first person that she had to undergo surgery for a premalignant cyst in the pancreas. It all started a year ago, on a visit to Spain, when the singer of the duo Burnet He underwent some studies due to a health problem and, due to an unexpected finding, the doctors found this situation. After remaining under observation for several months, finally, the specialists decided remove a part of the pancreas to prevent major consequences for your health.

Thus, on Thursday, June 13, the artist underwent surgery at the Mater Dei Sanatorium and has been recovering favorably since then. During this Monday, his only daughter Dew, fruit of Lucía’s relationship with Alberto Hazán, She was in charge of updating her mother’s medical report. Through the singer’s official Instagram account, her daughter detailed in a few words how her evolution continues.

“Hello, “I wanted to tell you that mom is feeling very well,” the young woman began by saying in one of the stories on the social network of the member of the popular duet. “We hope that this week she will be discharged to continue recovering from home,” Rocío detailed and closed with words of gratitude to her mother’s followers. “Thank you for the messages,” she expressed affectionately along with a red heart emoji.

Lucía Galán is hospitalized after her pancreas surgery: how is her evolution continuing (Instagram)

Lucía Galán revealed a delicate health problem and will have to undergo surgery

A few hours before undergoing the scheduled surgery to remove part of the pancreas due to a premalignant cyst, Lucía Galán left a message recorded by herself to tell in first person what was happening to her. “Hello, how are you all. I wanted to personally give this message so that you can have the news first-hand. Last year in Madrid, having a CT scan due to a bronchial infection, the doctors miraculously made a discovery,” the singer of the duo began. Burnet In a video he uploaded to feed from his Instagram profile and then, through a statement to the media.

“They found a premalignant cyst in my pancreas. An exhaustive follow-up was done throughout this time and the conclusion reached is that I have to go to surgery, they have to cut the tail of the pancreas, which is where I have the cyst, stuck to the wall, it is a mucinous cyst, as the doctors call it, and this is to prevent pancreatic cancer”, the artist recounted in detail.

He then continued to provide specifications of his state of health. “This was a miraculous discovery, that despite how difficult it is going to be to go through this, I thank God that they detected it in time. And I also want to ask, perhaps, the doctors to do these abdominal checks, to prevent so many pancreatic cancers… When one is unwell, it is too late, because it has metastasized throughout the body,” Galán then expressed.

Finally, the singer closed with an optimistic message, and posted it first in her publications, so that all her followers could find out from her the situation she had to go through. “A big kiss for everyone, you will have news about how everything turned out and how the process is going,” Lucía finished her words. Immediately, her post was filled with likes from people who love her and many messages of support from her followers, including family, friends and celebrities.

“Dear friend, there are many of us around the world accompanying you! Very soon you will be yelling at Joaquín, as appropriate! And thank God for this discovery!” he predicted. Silvina Chediek. “Let’s go Luchi! “Here we are, all of us who love you, having the best thoughts,” he expressed. Julia Zenko. “Come on Gachi, you will come out of this stronger,” he posted. María Laura Santillán.

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