Cristian U’s indiscreet confession about Big Brother

Cristian U’s indiscreet confession about Big Brother
Cristian U’s indiscreet confession about Big Brother

Written in SHOWS he 6/18/2024 · 08:00 a.m.

Christian U rose to fame thanks to Big Brother, a program on which he is even working today. However, He was not afraid to let go of the producers’ hands and explained how everything is handled from within the most famous house.

The thing is that in recent weeks, very shortly before the end, different cuts of the live video began to be seen in which it is clear that Furia receives information from the production, so they are told where to aim and what to do. for the public to support it.

In this tune, Christian U He launched an opinion on his social networks and immediately afterwards, in an attempt to defend himself, He ended up confessing how production always ends up helping the players who are considered favorites by the people.

Although there were always suspicions, the fact that Christian U has externalized them is what ends up generating distrust in the format. The thing is that the champion of the 2011 edition spoke about Martín Ku on social networks and then stepped on the stick.

“In GH 2011 they had to change the format because of this idiot who throws facts at them. As I told you at one point, I understand some of this and on top of that I want Furia to win. So do what you want”the former player launched from his social networks to refer to the fact that players can no longer self-nominate and other rules that had to be modified.

This caused many to come out to the intersection to tell them that he decided to leave the house. Big Brother and then they did the repechage to get it back in so they could finally win the game.

Given these comments, he defended himself and explained why the production helped him get to the final: “The rating was me, idiot. Everything moved according to my taste and whim. And I won 100 thousand dollars that began with the construction of my beautiful future, so paint it however you want and cry in the field.”

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