Yanina Latorre and Marcela Feudale shot Santiago Del Moro, host of Big Brother

Yanina Latorre and Marcela Feudale shot Santiago Del Moro, host of Big Brother
Yanina Latorre and Marcela Feudale shot Santiago Del Moro, host of Big Brother

Tempers are running high in this final stretch of Big Brother (Telefe, at 10:30 p.m.). Yesterday, Santiago Del Moro He was booed by the stands, when a large part of the public present was outraged with the participant for her discriminatory statements against HIV. Today, on his radio series, he talked about his anger from the night before. Now in THE M (America, at 20), they attacked the host of the reality show, ensuring that he does not tolerate being criticized.

“Another who is offended by everything: Santiago Del Moro,” Yanina Latorre began by saying, who during Ángel De Brito’s vacation was in charge of directing THE M. “He dedicated the beginning of his radio program to us today. He is very angry,” he added.

“Why, what did we do?” asked one of the panelists. “Criticism bothers him,” Latorre responded.

“What I don’t understand well about him is that he is on the best television program, the one with the highest ratings. And… what did he work with you on before?” he asked Marcela Feudale, in reference to Infamythe cycle that Del Moro led through America.

Without hesitation, Feudale replied: “He was working on making the B side of the Dancing (the cycle by Marcelo Tinelli that at that time was broadcast on El Trece). That is, destroy the figures that were going to the Dancing“.

“And I say this with all the love I have for him,” he noted. “I don’t know what he’s going through that he can’t understand that we criticize something or make the B side of Big Brother“.

Yanina Latorre: “When you do a television show with a girl as incorrect as Furia, you have to bank the change.” Capture TV.

Feudale, about Del Moro: “Forget how cruel he was to the characters in Bailando”

Marcela Feudale had already expressed that same criticism towards Del Moro on the social network X (ex Twitter). There, the announcer and journalist wrote: “I love Santi but forget when he was on the other side of the counter, how cruel he was to the characters on Dancing. I was there! In Infamy. And furthermore, nothing indicates that we are the ones who have to contain Fury. Big woman, right?”

In the debate of THE M Regarding Del Moro’s anger, panelist Pepe Ochoa said: “He is absolutely fed up with this Big Brother, he wants it to end. The rating is good, everything is great, but it is so chewy and everything is so manipulated that everything falls to him to him, because he is the face of everything. Everyone cancels him every day on Twitter and if he is a guy who doesn’t like to be criticized…”

Feudale then remembered that at one time, she worked at the same time in Infama and in ShowMatch and that when “Marcelo (Tinelli) was heated by what was said in InfamySantiago answered me: ‘But you can’t warm up like that, you have to take it better.'” “It’s a television show!” Marcela stressed.

Marcela Feudale, about Del Moro: “He worked on making the B side of Bailando.” Capture TV.

Then, Latorre intervened to refer to Furia, whose behavior is usually one of the reasons why this edition of Big Brother is criticized. “When you do a television show like the one they are doing, with a girl as incorrect as Furia, You have to bank the change. We are not all going to agree with all the elections… That is the history of television…”.

At that point, Yanina remembered that something similar was happening with the Dancing when it was said: “Everything is arranged, she went to the fourth floor, she is the girlfriend, she is the lover…”.

“Any of us who watch the show have every right to their opinion. I don’t have to contain Fury “Why am I going to contain Furia?” said Marcela Feudale.


“Haven’t you ever criticized anyone?” he challenged them.

“And you don’t have to agree with all the choices they make,” Latorre said.

“Is there any possibility that Santiago (Del Moro) is fed up with production not letting him do what he really has to do?” Ochoa said.

Strictly, Yanina replied: “So, Let him get angry with the production and not with us“.

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