Florinda Meza assures that there is no will regarding the rights of ‘Chespirito’

Florinda Meza, widow of Roberto Gómez Bolaños, revealed that the Mexican comedian did not leave a designated heir for the rights to ‘Chespirito‘. Given the need to clarify this issue, the actress pointed out that it is necessary to start a legal process with the children of the creator of El Chavo del 8.

“He did not leave his name, his life, his personality in the will; he did not make a will. There should be a process, I don’t know, I suppose, before a notary, a legal process, and in this case it would be between seven, the six children and me,” explained the remembered ‘Dona Florinda‘.

Nevertheless, Meza has not confirmed a date for the start of this agreement that would put an end to the problems that prevent the transmission of the chapters of El Chavo del 8, El Chapulín Colorado, among other programs by the Mexican author.

“The process has not yet been carried out, and since he did not leave a will, no one really owns his name or his life,” he emphasized.

A preview of the series was recently presented Wanting without wantingbased on the life of Roberto Gomez Bolaños. This project has caused disagreements between Meza and Roberto Gómez Fernández, son of ‘Chespirito’, since the latter decided not to have the actress’s contribution to the project’s script.

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Florinda Meza against the biographical series of ‘Chespirito’?

Last October, Florinda Meza used her social networks to clarify her position in relation to the biographical series of Roberto Gómez Bolaños, better known as ‘Chespirito.

In a video published on her Instagram account, the actress assured that she is not opposed to the making of her late husband’s bioseries; However, her main concern is that her production would not treat her “with respect.”

“It is said that I am opposed to the biography of Roberto Gomez Bolaños…total lie! First of all, I have it on very good authority that in that biography I am not treated with respect and much less truthfully, something that would cause my Robert great pain if he were still alive, but who cares about authorization or opinion? of a dead man?” Meza.

They didn’t contact her for the project. Wanting without wanting

Florinda Meza She stressed that she has not been consulted in relation to the biographical project and questioned the lack of contact on the part of those responsible for it.

“No one has informed me anything, no one has even made me a phone call, that is, does the opinion and authorization of the widow who is still alive not matter?” he expressed.

The actress emphasized that her life, her name, her career and her power to attract people are her property; and that they cannot be used at will by anyone.

“My life is my life and I don’t want them to use it, much less for profit,” he added.

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